Whats this ? Naga Viper !!

Is this on the level or should there be some kinda of heat certificate ..Or maybe we just haven't seen it yet..Just wondering. They say this one can remove paint.Not for the faint of heart ( ME )
Sorry here is a couple videos Leo and some friends eating the Naga Viper.
From what I understand its a cross between a scorp and a 7. As far as I understand if you cross a stupidly hot pepper with something thats hot you'll end up with a pepper thats somewhere in between the two.

If they have gone to the trouble of testing this cross they should have tested the SHU of the original Scorp at the same time :) Now that would be real hot.

But either way it sounds hot :onfire:
Yeah franz that was me, it was in the news paper however turned out to be false. I like what you commented about the butch T on beaglestorms vid that was hilarious. So I am curious how official his is. Does Guinness have to test it or what?
I like what you commented about the butch T on beaglestorms vid that was hilarious

lol thanks.

doesn't have to be guinness. just has to be an institution that's reputable and recognized worldwide. imho.
Guinness doesn't have the time to test every unstable hybrid out there, and I believe any future records are going to have to go through the same lengthy trials and procedures that the bhut went through, and random measured pods from random unstressed stable plants including all parts of the pepper should be used and not just placental tissue from a stressed plant. Stressing a plant is easy to do and adds heat but is not really an accurate representation. The bhut would have tested much higher if this random yet scientific process was not used. Apparently NMSU has been growing/trialing the Trinidad scorpions for several years so they should be ready for testing soon.
One unverified test creates a lot of hype and sales but since this is an unproven, unstable hybrid, I would avoid any temptation to buy or grow seeds. Each person who grows these unstable seeds is going to end up with different characteristics which will lead to multiple version of Vipers :(
Agree with POTAWIE, the viper has only had one independant test done at Warwick so this is by no means official and probably won't ever be made official. Scorp will be the next ruler of the title :woohoo:

However, after watching the video of Darth Naga throwing up after trying one I have got to get my hands on one just to see how hot they really are, using the only test that counts for me - eating one of them!! :onfire:
Will post video when I get to try one.....
I am with Potawie...I will wait for a while before growing them...in the mean time...I will stick with the common superhots we all know...Bhut, T. Scorp, and 7 Pot varieties...
Here's some past discussion on what was then called the "Trinidad viper" lol


Couple of photos of the Viper the one in the photo above top is over six feet high including the bucket i grew it in.
That is a good looking plant and I like the looks of the pods too. How many generations have you grown nickdu? Have you tried one yet? Do you have anything to compare it to?

Best of luck to you and the pepper.
Patrick.Its a long story, but i was sent the seed by mistake they were supposed to be Scorpions so F1 plants.I will save seed and grow again next season to see what i get.The pods are up there with the Red Seven for heat i watched a guy (a Chilli head) eat a whole pod on Friday night and it blew his head off he said it was the hottest pod he had ever eaten.Hopefully ive also crossed the Viper with one of my Red Sevens to grow out next season to see what i get.
I love growing Chillies.
Thanks for the response nickdu. Sounds like a brutal animal. Best of luck to you and the rest of the folks growing it. Hope it grows true season after season.

It is nice looking plants but your pods does not look like the pods from chileseeds.co.uk. From their website, Naga viper is cross between bhut, naga and scorpion pepper. chileseeds.co.uk does not sell these seeds before, then where you get these seeds from??
I can't seem to find that info on the website, and I can't figure out how it can really be a three way cross. I heard it was a red savina cross but that was last year when it was called Trinidad viper :(
Now all I see is "Naga cross Trinidad hybrid chilli’s" which doesn't say too much

It is nice looking plants but your pods does not look like the pods from chileseeds.co.uk. From their website, Naga viper is cross between bhut, naga and scorpion pepper. chileseeds.co.uk does not sell these seeds before, then where you get these seeds from??

The seeds came from Chilliseeds.co.uk by mistake and this has has been confirmed to me by them in writing.In fact i have sent them some pods off my plants (by their request) for further testing by Warwick university.