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Candied Habanero Sauce

A lot of people were interested in my so I figured I'd post one of the recipes that most people don't think to do with a candied pepper.

Candied Habanero Sauce :

1 cup Candied Habaneros
10 medium garlic cloves
1 small onion
1 Delicata Squash
1/2 cup water
1 & 1/2 cups White Vinegar, or Lemon juice ,or Lime juice
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp ground ginger

The delicata squash, they are much sweeter tasting then most squash.
And delicately flavored, so it compliments the habanero well. If you want
Something more orange you could use pumpkin, though it's less sweet.

The garlic, I steamed it. If you can;t steam yours then boiling it will work.
Though the garlic will loose a bit of it's flavor. The Idea is to get it soft enough
so it "mashes" easily as a lightly sweet.

The cup of habaneros is by dry measure, and should be packed tightly in
the cup.

Preparing the squash.
Removing the stem is easy with a tap of the knife.


Simmer the squash and onion till the squash is soft.

Add the garlic, and mash the mix.

Then blend it.

Add the habaneros.

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Heat the mix to a simmer then let it cool. This will help the habanero to
rehydrate. When they are candied they become slightly leather like and
wouldn't blend well. Once it's cool put it through the blender again.

After it's been blended we need to pass it through a course screen.

You'll have some seeds and pulp left over.

How it will look afterward.

Now add the rest of the ingredients except the ginger and mix.

Now I put it through a very fine screen mesh to get the rest of the pulp.
The reason we don't just put it through the fine mesh to begin with is
because it would be just to thick, and you would loose a lot of the sauce.

It's texture.

It's hard to see, but it's texture(and color) is just like honey mustard.
Add the ginger and now you want to simmer it for about 15 minutes to blend the flavor.
If you like you can bottle.


Mind you if you use a woozy like that you need to leave off
the inner stopper do to it's thickness.

It's flavor is a good habanero taste, and it's both sweet and
sour. You can use for a for a lot of things you would eat with
honey mustard sauce, though they don't taste alike.