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Wayrights 2eleven

I reckon I'm like everyone else here, Getting the itch to start this years stuff!
Tonight I decided to start some wilds, I know they take a bit to germ, so I figure a head start is in order :)
The hard part wasnt what wilds to start , but rather what to leave out!! I am limited on light so I have to limit my wilds to one tray of 50,,5 each of 10 different types.
I decided on these
Tovarii PI 606708
Buforum S 0381
PI 639682
CGN 22208
PI 631154
Grif 15020
Eximium CGN 21502
Cardenasii 904750136
And I decided to start my only Pubescens,
Gondol CGN 19243

I am trying my hand at my only ever overwinter,, My Ciliatum is going crazy with just 1 spiral flouro!! I mean the thing has grown 8 inches in a month! I need to slow it down,, Can I cut it back again? or is it too tender for that?


Good list to start Kevin. I say cut it back down and not worry about it. Some of mine I cut down 4 or 5 times over winter to keep them small.
Thanks,I was worried that the new growth was too tender to cut back! That makes me feel better about a "re-trim"
Did you overwinter your Rhomb?
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Well the wilds are slow going, Sprouted so far, I have 4 buforum,4Gondol-Pube, 1 Galapagoense,1 Cardenasii,1 Flexuosum and 1 Eximium that I brokeded :(
Its only been a few weeks so I'm still hopefull on the others.

So today I planted my Chinense,I had to narrow my list down more than I like "due to inside space"
Im regrowing some supers and of course Donne Sali (my fav).But for the most part Im growing stuff thats new to me! it should be fun.

Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod (Jonah)
7 Pod Brain Strain
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
7 Pod Chocolate
7 Pod White
7 Pod Barrakpore
7 Pod SR
7 Pod Primo
Assam Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Donne Sali

PI 224444
PI 281417
PI 435916
PI 441637
PI 653748
Limo Blanco
Lemon Drop Selection; PI 315024
Lemon Drop CGN19211
Chili Blanco
Small Bell Chilly
Scarlet Lantern
Surinam 8
Red Squash
Pimenta De Neyde

I will wait till prolly mid February to plant my Annuums,Bacc's and Frut's

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:lol: OK, ok , Howd I know you would call me out! Not much to see but a few lil sprouts

But, this plant is doing great! Ive had to trim the crap out of it to keep it small!

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But they are so cute at that age. Your Rhomb. is looking really good Kevin, maybe you can get some fruit this year from it.
Thanks Noah, I hope it does better this year! I refuse to not get pods! I think the 2nd year will be the trick :pray:
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Well I planted my last tray today,, It is so hard narrowing it down ,but, I finally decided on these.

Capsicum baccatum var. praetermissum
PI 441656

Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum
Yellow Bouquet CGN 22181
Cluster Rod CGN 19202
Aji Blanco Christal CGN 21470

PI 273429
Blackbird's Eye CGN 21474
Christmas Baby CGN 17000
Coral Reef CGN 20813

Grif 9265
Ndungu CGN 21554
Malagueta CGN 23211
Aji Chuncho CGN 22792

C Baccatum var. Baccatum
PI 439528
PI 596059

Capsicum sp.

PI 446902
PI 594141

C. Frutescens x Chinense

So 90% of this years crop will be new stuff to me!

Not much to see but I got a few sprouts


Oh, yea This is my first time/tray using peat pellets,Just todays tray. I'd much prefer my crappy starter mix, but 72 pellets vs. 50 peat pots is very influential!

All my seedlings seem so small and wimpy..What can I do to make em bigger? ;)

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Haha Kevin,

I can see how you might have trouble trying to narrow down your choices to decide what to grow.

Had a look at your final choices and the only one I had even heard of before was the Malagueta, and I'm betting that your seeds are probably not even the run-of-the-mill Malagueta.

Best of luck to you with your pepper grow this year.

I think you might have to lash out on one of AJ's UFO LED Grow lights, They seem to do the trick.
Yes Marc, I have been seriously thinking about a LED setup,AJ's setup looks incredible!

Haha Kevin,

I can see how you might have trouble trying to narrow down your choices to decide what to grow.

Had a look at your final choices and the only one I had even heard of before was the Malagueta, and I'm betting that your seeds are probably not even the run-of-the-mill Malagueta.

Best of luck to you with your pepper grow this year.


Thanks Doug,I wanted to grow only new stuff to me this year,,but,, I cant seem to drop the supers off the list :cool:

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Every year its like I gotta grow "Fill in the blank" :lol:
Too many seem to keep making the cut!

Off to a great start Kevin!

So, out of all the "new' varieties, which ONE are you most excited about?
Thanks DR, I guess if I had to pick just one!.....I think it would be the White 7 pod, I am very interested in how that one turns out! :cool:
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Well it is so purdy out, That I sent the babies outside for a coupla hours!
I wish they were as nice as some of yalls plants, but as you know I like tiny plants!

These have not had any food, I dont know what they are surviving on.
Mebbe they are eating the plastic trays!

Seriously tho, I dont feed em 'cause they will get too big for my lighting.
and I only give NPK in the form of 10-10-10,when I till it in my garden soil.
Then no more all year!

Here they are basking in their first taste of sunshine!

The wilds just got potted up, and of course are still tiny.

A coupla the others.



I have a 72 cell tray I planted 1 1/2 weeks ago, with my Baccs Fruts and Annuums!
only a few have popped up so far!
They'll stay inside today :lol: