contest Tie-Breaker! Hometown Hot Dogs Throwdown

The Hot Pepper

Well isn't it fitting! What starts with drama ends with drama! A dead heat in the Hometown Hot Dog Throwdown, 14-14! 60 votes, the most ever!

This will go another round folks, 48 hours from this timestamp.
That picture of the view after the first bite of the Relleno Dog actually made my mouth water.... Bam 2 votes for the Relleno Dog!
MWCH has conceded to POTAWIE. Poll removed. POTAWIE wins!

MWCH, care to make a concession speech? That was one awesome hot dog as well.

He may tell us why, but I believe it is fair since MWCH voted for himself, and POTAWIE didn't, and actually voted for MWCH.

So POTAWIE this is a well deserved win!
Sure. Potawie rocked the home-made hot dog, and represented his hometown well. I represented, but didn't put near as much effort into it as he did, and I voted for myself, so it is only right that he take the crown. I didn't realize that he voted for me, but that speaks to his integrity. He had the lead headed into the deadline and I picked up some last minute votes, but I'm not sure the late voters actually viewed and evaluated all the entries, so Potawie gets the crown. Until next month!
Congratulations to the winner! Everyone is a winner for sure - lots of great hot dogs! I can't believe I missed this - I was out taking care of some much needed business.
Congrats to Potawie and my hat is off to you MWCH. YOU have showed integrity and grace as well. Nice job :clap: