video DWC Hydroponic How-To Video

Made a couple videos showing how I make my 5 gallon bucket deep water culture hydroponic systems. The basic design is simple and cheap and a good way to get started in hydroponics without spending a lot of money.
There are lots of these type videos out there but here's my version. Enjoy!

The rest of the video:

Great vid Tonly. Very simple system with cracking results. I can see me trying this. Thanks for the idea.

What's the optimum temperature for the nutrient solution? A bit worried the sun here in Thailand might boil the roots.

Edit for question.
reverse osmosis water for peppers? Haha :) They are some great videos well done. A gallon a day thats insane, but your plants are as tall as you. I have not done near as much hydroponics as you but will have to agree it sure is fun building and using them. I much prefer it to dirt. All I do with my hydro tub is change the resivoir every two weeks. Dirt is messy and takes way more work. TEAM TONLY FOR THE WIN!!!!!
Great tutorial video!
It really shows how simple it is.

I've played around with hydro but never had plants as big as yours.

I was lazy and only changed the nutes every month... but I checked and corrected the PH daily.

niiice. thankk youu ! :D bookmarked.

My pleasure!

Great vid Tonly. Very simple system with cracking results. I can see me trying this. Thanks for the idea.What's the optimum temperature for the nutrient solution? A bit worried the sun here in Thailand might boil the roots.Edit for question.

I'm not sure what is optimum water temp for peppers. Most things I read say 65 to 75F. We are in peak summer heat right now and my temps are running hotter than that and haven't noticed any problems yet. I am planning to build a home made chiller to help control temps. Have all the parts just need to find some time.

reverse osmosis water for peppers? Haha :) They are some great videos well done. A gallon a day thats insane, but your plants are as tall as you. I have not done near as much hydroponics as you but will have to agree it sure is fun building and using them. I much prefer it to dirt. All I do with my hydro tub is change the resivoir every two weeks. Dirt is messy and takes way more work. TEAM TONLY FOR THE WIN!!!!!

If you know anyone with saltwater aquariums, they probably have an RO system. I may not have a complete understanding but the way I see it is if you want 800 ppm concentration and you start with 300 ppm water, you have 500 ppm that is nutrients. If your water starts out at near zero as with RO water all of the 800 ppm is nutes. I know it can be much more complicated than that but I need to keep it simple for me. :D

Great tutorial video!It really shows how simple it is.I've played around with hydro but never had plants as big as yours.I was lazy and only changed the nutes every month... but I checked and corrected the PH daily.Bleash

It is really simple. The system in the GH is a little difficult to do a complete water change. I just top it up with plain water daily and add nutes back in once a week. Not Ideal, but you can see it will work. ;)
The system on the back porch has a much larger liquid capacity so I'm hoping the nutrient content and ph will stay a little more stable. When it is time to change all I will do is let the pump empty the reservoir and fill it back with fresh water to do a flush, dump again and then fill with nute solution.
I love it!!
He makes it look really easy to do. This could be a direction for me one day.
Fresh pods year around…Sweet!!
Many thanks for taking the time to create and post such a thorough video. It certainly makes the process much less intimidating for someone not already familiar with hydro.
Good Job.

I have to try to do some strawberries this next year. Are you growing Everbearings?

Grew Ozark Beauty and Fort Laramie strawberries in the hydro setup. Pretty sure they are both everbearing varieties.
The strawberry project showed a lot of potential. I think a decent crop in a fairly small space is possible. I still have much to learn about growing strawberries.
wow came across this searching and i'm amazed.

I am planning on putting about 4 of these together this week.

I need a parts list, for the gromit and 90 degree elbow.. I'll look around.. just want to make sure that I have them right.

How old are your plants when you stick them in the buckets? I have two of these ready to go, I just need to wait till my plants are ready! And you mention that you water them from the top in the beginning. How often do you do this,and do you do this with Nutes or just water? Awesome video man! You rock!
You can put the plants in the buckets anytime. Even start seeds right in the bucket. The bubbles breaking on the surface will keep the growing medium moist but, I do water from the top (with the same solution as in the bucket) once or twice a day for the first week or so.
I would like to thank you for the inspiration, I am seeking a way of getting big plants over a single season, at least get a fair quantity of fruit. Hydroponic is so fast and efficient...
I know it can be cheap and easy on small scale, but I needed to be shown how.

Thank you for sharing!!
it's getting quite hard to find 5-gal buckets for a good price, or even at all!
the ones they sell in all the chain type hardware stores (home depot, canadian tire, ect) are 17 litre (3 litre less then 5 gal), have the stores logo painted on the side, and cost $6!!

havent been able to find them free/cheep anywhere else either... one store had a bunch sitting around, but no one there at the time seemed to know anythign about them... prty sure I herd chip truck owners are selling their buckets (filled with old grease) to ppl making bio-diesel... not sure where else to go.

maybe it's easier elsewhere...