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Naga Viper

I'm curious, just germinating some naga viper seeds (amongst others) and wonder how the chillies taste? compared to an average Bhut Jolokia
They are not a stable true breeding variety so I'm sure each plant will have a lot of variation in flavor as well as appearance
They are not a stable true breeding variety so I'm sure each plant will have a lot of variation in flavor as well as appearance

Hi POTAWIE. Thats quite interesting, never grown this variety before so I'm really not sure what to expect.
I don't think you have to say anything more about the Naga Viper other than it is supposed to be a 3 way cross (Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia, and Naga Morich) and if you know anything about genetics, it won't be stable for a lot of generations...Gerald has been growing it for 2-3 years now...even in a greenhouse, that is max 2 generations a year...

buyer beware
I actually thought the flavour of the Naga Viper I tried was pretty good, although not as hot as you might expect.
Here's a vid of me trying one that Gerald sent me a while back.... :fireball:

It would be interesting to see the pod shapes of the different people growing the viper...do you reckon one of you gents would start a thread on their growth and pod production...I suppose the thing I am most interested is in the pod shape and any color variation if there is any...

@paul...did Gerald say whether or not this was "the pod shape" of the naga viper?
As the rest said, all you can say factually about the Naga Viper's taste is that it will lie somewhere near the other red supers. So expect it to taste like a red chinense with a real good burn but we can't be more specific than that until it's real stable.
@paul...did Gerald say whether or not this was "the pod shape" of the naga viper?

No he didn't specify, this was a late season pod that's all I know. All Vipers I have seen so far have been similar- sort of scorpion shaped but without such a pronounced stinger, with a fairly wrinkled (but not bumpy) surface.
I blame Guiness for most of the hype - they should never have accepted one off tests as proof of a new record holder in the first place.
I had some of my own hybrids tested by Warwick at 1,198,988 SHU when the current record holder was still the Bhut Jolokia, however I didn't see this as proof enough to say it was the new record holder!
Warwick admit that the method they use for HPLC testing is only indicative, and that it is not that accurate at levels over about 650K SHU.

Despite all of this and going back to the original thread, I still like the flavour of the Viper even if I have yet to try one that blows my head off !!