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Curling, wrinkled leaves..


eXtreme Business
I just got back today from my trip to Disney World, and much to my amazement, all my plants grew like crazy, and even the ones that were leaning heavily have straightened out on their own.

That being said, the newest sets of leaves look wrinkled and curled up slightly. Am I correct in guessing that this is simply a cry for calcium-containing fertilizer? I put in some as soon as I got back just to be sure, as well as giving each a decent watering, so I'm hoping that will take care of it, but am I on the right track or am I way off?
Pics, could be a few different things, but mine were starting to do that, and I have started using Cal-Mag as of my last 2 watering, but I think it is working, still not too sure exactly what is up with it yet, but I'd say you are on the right track most likely.. but pics will help
Here's a pic. Sorry it took so long, my connection's kinda wonky at the moment...

yeah that's not bad at all lol, but I have been trying to figure out what is happening with mine, and I would say just check the temps too for kicks, like at the point where the canopy is (the leaves, not where the thermometer is, if you have it off to the side somewhere or something like that.. ) .. but I am still kind of trying to figure it out.. but I will let you know if mine improve, and can just wait to see what your temps are, and if the added nutes helps for you
I read (here) they will sometimes curl if you let them dry too much, then water too much. Maybe better to even things out, but no big deal. Some folks swear by letting the plant wilt before watering, so IDK. I also read not good to fertilize when the plant is very dry, which kind of makes sense. Also, some peppers are very particular about what you feed them--

Your plants don't look too bad. Good luck... :cool:
Just a little update. I finally got back from my training in GA, and of the 30 I had when I left, 28 have survived. 2 of the TS plants didn't make it, but I figure if 28 of 30 made it, then I must still be doing something right. Plus, I have more TS seeds, so I can definitely replace the two I lost.
The good news also is that a couple of my TS plants already have minute flower buds. This is nothing short of awesome :)