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Florida Trippin'

Everyone's alive. They headed out around 8:15, had to hit Wheebz place, stopped at a Waffle House (appropriately)...should be at my house around 1 or 2 pm.

I cleaned the kitchen and the pool.
That's all we'll need, right??
Haha looks like you guys are having a blast!
Fabuuuulous!! hahaha just a word of warning these fl cops are horrible with dui's so watch out for them.
Get crazy and have fun but it looks like you guys have that under control.
Quiet? You must be on a different party line than we have. All I can say is.....SoFlo, I GOT YOUR NUMBER!

No, seriously...I really do have your numbers.....wheebz, siccy, (already had that one ;) ) frydaddy..... Caller ID is a wonderful thing! :cool:

It's all good and the good times are a-happening. I've heard there will be some pics at some time in the future. Party On, Dudes and Dudettes!
Just got off the phone with Frydad. The word is Bear, that guy, is lurking around somewhere close and will probably be showing up to chug some beers and make passes at the ladies.

Can't wait till we can get the FL Pow Wow arranged!
Yep, and since he struck out last night trying to get nekid in the pool with the ladies, I heard that Bear, that guy, got all shaved up purdy for the ladies. He still has to worry 'bout cloggin up the pool filter even with just a merkin, but ya gotta give him props for tryin'...
Bear is scared of this party. He's currently camped out in one of my trees.
He doesn't know we know he's there.
Probably gonna get him with the potato gun. Stay tuned.

Maybe the ladies will get lucky and Bear, that guy, will be wearing Sum's Tux. Now if I heard Frydad right there's a smoked Pork Loin going on too. That Guy could be pulled off course by beer and Pulled Pork Sammies...

Naaaaaaa, who am I kiddin, he's an animal and all about the ladies.
Wish I could be there, although the sight of me in a bathing suit...
... is probably not any worse than the sight of any of the rest of us in bathing suits! Chickie-boom, we don't love you for your body, but for every other wonderful thing about you.

True story.
Guess who showed up....

Something about that guy makes all the boys take their clothes off.
Lady Sic gave him a ride for good measure.

All of our guests had to be careful not to express fear, because bear can smell that.
And we can't use catnip either, because he goes mangoes for that. Pussy.



wheebz just lost his job!


Please sanitize that banana leaf before the TD.