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nope not a hab, its an annum of some type

looks like Burpee messed up, you should contact them, the company is in WARMINSTER PENNSYLVANIA,
it about about 45 miles from me, there a good company to deal with

contact them im sure they can help

thanks yourfriend Joe

what is the actual brand name on the seed package, so i know never to purchase any of their products?
they are Burpee, i recocnize the package

what is the actual brand name on the seed package, so i know never to purchase any of their products?
Thanks for responding everyone. It is good to know they are not Habaneros at this point so I can probably pick up a few plants at the local garden center.

It was a Burpee package and I will contact them. They must have had a quality control issue. Package marked with: Picked for 2012 Sell by 11/12 Origin Holland Lot 7

I was suspicious before the fruit appeared when the leaves did not look like my other Habaneros (Chocolate and Big Sun). I guess I will just see what they turn out to be and chalk it up to a learning experience.
i would contact them

they have a good rep for customer service from what i gather

thanks your friend AJIJOE
Defintiely doesn't look like an hab, but then again, who knows, plants quickly adapt to their growing conditions to produce unexpected results (the biological term is phenotype plasticity); but the adaptations necessary for that plant to be a hab are way too extreme - probably seed company error.

Mishaps like this are inevitable whenever dealing with large seed companies (and people in general). You can get a general sense of the error frequency by checking out a sample of the plant reviews on their site. While the mistakes happen, it's how a company responds - and from reading the reviews and what AJIJOE says, their customer service is relatively good (often they send new plants/seeds).
"..adaptations necessary for that plant to be a hab are way too extreme.." Isn't it either a habanero or it's not?
Genetically the plant is either an habanero or not, but plants will adapt their phenotype (e.g. their outward characteristics such as leaf thickness) rather quickly to their environment (it's called phenotype plasticity). It's probably not an habanero, but there is a chance this could be a really funky-looking habanero...

about the same chances of winning the lottery at the exact moment of getting killed by lightning in the elevator of a salt mine thousands of feet below Paris as your doctor tells you, with a chuckle, via cell phone that having herpes can be fun with the right attitude...but still a chance...
My dad orders most of his plants from Burpee. They have excellent customer service. I am sure they will make it right.
i have burpee's hot lemon and they are hot lemon, i was interested in burpee's version of biker billy, i guess if i ever find them, locally, i will hold my breath before buying and way the options at the time.
burpees doesn't seem to be the type of company that would make such a mistake, perhaps they out source. go ahead and contact their customer service, i bet they would be just as concerned.
lots of companies use burpees, even as far away as canada, to resell their products both seeds and live plants.
i have burpee's hot lemon and they are hot lemon, i was interested in burpee's version of biker billy, i guess if i ever find them, locally, i will hold my breath before buying and way the options at the time.
burpees doesn't seem to be the type of company that would make such a mistake, perhaps they out source. go ahead and contact their customer service, i bet they would be just as concerned.
lots of companies use burpees, even as far away as canada, to resell their products both seeds and live plants.
ive been looking for biker billy's for the longest time cant find them locally for ****.... i guess i gotta buy them on burpees online store

I contacted Burpee and they were able to track down the error with the lot information from the package. I appreciated them getting back with me and they offered a refund or replacement. I asked what type of peppers they packaged by mistake and will update further if I get an answer.

Here are some pictures of the mystery peppers (planted them in the garden one week ago):

Mystery Pepper by bigfan1403, on Flickr

Mystery Pepper by bigfan1403, on Flickr
Any updates?

I'm here because I'm in the same boat. This is my first time growing peppers, and I'm pretty clueless. I started realizing a few days ago that there is no way these are gonna be habaneros. :rofl:

I also used the burpee seeds, packed 2012, but lot number 6.



They seem to be doing ok. I have 16 peppers total over the three plants so far. Anyone have any idea?

They look like Serrano peppers to me https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=serrano&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=809&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=mEXvT6VuyceoAY-8pZAC#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=serrano+pep