food Pickled some jalapenos last night

A buddy of mine brought me a bag of jalapenos yesterday so I decided to pickle them.

First I sliced them using this chopping thing I have.


Added carrot


Then onion


Put the mix in some jars and added a few spices (all spice, peppercorns, bay leaf, minced garlic) and put a 1/4tsp of this stuff they had at the store that's supposed to keep things crisp.


In a sauce pan I mixed equal parts of cider vinegar and water and added three tablespoons of pickling salt. Filled the jars, put the lids on, and boiled for 10 minutes to seal.

Finished product, the jar on the right doesn't have carrots or onions and I added a 1/4 cup of sugar to sweeten the jalapenos. We'll mix this one with cream cheese and eat it with crackers. We call it chilli chilli bang bang.


Let me know what you think. I'm open to suggestions as well. Lots more peppers still to come this year!
Can't figure out what is more kick ass, the ripe red peppers or that chopping device!!!! I NEED one of those, both.
That chopping device is definitely a time saver. I got it at Williams-Sonoma. It came with a couple of attachments too, one for coring, one for quartering, and one for making french fries.
choppy-thingy= +200!!!! :)

great looking and sounding pickled things. thanks for sharing.
Wow...3 Tablespoons of salt? For 3 pints of pickles? Sounds like mucho salt...guess I'm a lightweight when it comes to salt...:)
Wow what fun!! Those peppers look delicious!! Great work and yes that cutting device looks pretty nifty. Hope they taste awesome thanks for sharing!!