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seeds Did one of my seeds grow out twins?

I think one of my seeds grew out twins! A quick Google search revealed that although rare, it can happen. Most of the search results I found were for MJ plants, ha! It seems injecting the plant ovary with vitamin C increases the frequency of this occurance: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120618194948.htm

I'm pretty sure it was not two seeds in one cell. Look at how paralllel the stalks are. I think its pretty cool!

I had a moruga seed that did the same thing no too long ago.
Mine was definitely two plants one seed.
I was going to let them grow together and see what happened, eventually to become a bonsai project.
But, unfortunately it was not in the cards ,,, the smaller one didn't survive the 100 degree temps.
I had a moruga seed that did the same thing no too long ago.
Mine was definitely two plants one seed.
I was going to let them grow together and see what happened, eventually to become a bonsai project.
But, unfortunately it was not in the cards ,,, the smaller one didn't survive the 100 degree temps.

Sorry to hear that. Would make for a great bonsai project. Makes me wonder if your smaller twin and mine are discordant twins.

Wicked. It's like Arnold Schwarzenager and Danny Devito!......you know in the movie Twins......hahahaha Very cool

Hahaha! Awesome reference! Definitely discordant twins!
I wonder if you look led closely before planting, if you could tell they were twins. Like as in being able to see both around the seeds edge.
I had twins this year too


Awesome! That also answers a question I had: one root or two? Seems it is two.

I wonder if you look led closely before planting, if you could tell they were twins. Like as in being able to see both around the seeds edge.

Good question and I honestly don't know. After soaking the seeds I planted them in a bit of starter mix. When the cotyledons come up I spoon out the mix with the sprout and put it in the pot so as not to disturb the rootlet.