• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Green Man's Glog

I figured I could start one of these now that I have two different plants growing.

Some of last year's Cayenne seeds from a foaf who sells in a farmer's market. I started these back in June.

The dried pods from last year


Seedlings to be divided

Newly divided seedlings

Back in March I planted a packet of Minorcan Datil seeds.


I ended up with two plants which made it to maturity. One is a Datil, and one is either a hybrid, mutant, or another seed entirely.



The flower in singles, never doubles, so they aren't chinense, maybe annuum, or frutescens?
Who knows...they grow well, pretty prolifically, taste good, look good, and aren't too hot for "normal" people to enjoy. So I'm growing the heck out of them. They are thick skinned and somewhat fleshy, not like Thai peppers. They stay orange when ripe.

I'm calling them Hurricane peppers cause they're orange and look like Sebastian's beak...and I need to call them something.



I've planted out a tray of 4" pots with seeds on 7-2-12 and they've just started sprouting yesterday,

I did a tray of 70 peat pellets last week, and being impatient, I also started some in ziplocks with paper towels...

Now I need to build a new bench to hold all these babies.. that's next weekend's project.
:shame: Hey Kimosabe! -- what you mean --"normal people". :crazy:...?

I mean the overwhelming majority of people who think I'm nuts when I eat stuff like whole habs, or use ghost pepper sauce like ketchup. You know, Wusses....(after I just saw snacksandsuch's videos I'm gonna have to put myself in the wuss category too now.)
Sounds like a good name for the peppers :) And as far as the peppers go, grow on, sir!
You did it the smart way...only start two varieties and don't overwhelm yourself like the rest of us fools with 50 varieties and no room to grow them! Nice looking babies. Congrats on the pods. Keep us posted.

Made that same mistake myself several months back, with a twist. Had about 30 plants total, and didn't have the proper space for them. Now with fewer plants, I think the plants I've got now are all happier, and I'm definitely the wiser from the experience (and no shortage of posts on here)
To me I look at planting to many seeds as an opportunity to do exactly what was done for me. Plant to many,find a new home!!! Open doors of life!

I want to expose,and encourage as many people as I can, to learn about gardening/pepper plants. Why? Well like I've said in at least one post of mine. I've learned a ton about plants and such. Even more I've learned about me,and life "stuff". Also why ,What I've learned is important for health,exercise, stress release,and the list goes on and on.

Planting to many plants is a door to plant a seed of life in someone else!!!
Whoa that came out wrong....dammit so did that:(
okay I'll stop!! HAHA

Once we stop giving,we run out of things to get! Survival with compassion?? LOLOLOLOL
Fremp... step away from the caffeine.... nice & slow...
My F2 peppers(OCG2 Hurricane) from the ziplock/paper towel have popped and been potted up, and the jiffy green house tray showed the first sprout today.

There were four different procedures.

  1. direct sowing into potting soil. 12 days to first germ. 30 seeds - approx 80% germ. after 17 days. 30 seeds
  2. paper towel in ziplock bag. 7 days to germ. 10 seeds - 100% germination.
  3. presoak in weak lemon juice solution for 1 hour, then soak overnight in clean water. paper towel/ziplock bag. 6 days to germ. 14 seeds- 100% germ.
  4. direct sowing into jiffy peat pellets in greenhouse tray. 70 seeds - 11 days to first germ. * today- no further data.

I'll grow the strongest and most desirable of these babies out and then select one to carry over to F3.

Got sprouts on some seeds yesterday, Naga Morich, Tobago seasoning, and Peruvian White habs. Everything else moving along slowly. Still no pods forming due do to the heat. Got lousy germination from the hybrids in the peat pellets...not sure why, only four sprouts out of 70 seeds. The seeds in regular soil mix did great.


Just saw some more sprouts on Bradley's Bahamian, and I guess the rain yesterday made the seeds in the peat pellets start to go. I see a handful of new hooks there too.
All the rains did a number on my seedlings, got a few survivors though.

Naga Morich seemed the most tolerant of wet soil from the lot of my new seedlings.


The Cayenne's are getting big and the first batch of the Hurricane peppers are putting on 3rd sets of leaves.


I've got to thin the herd before these go into 3 gallon pots....
Update (post Isaac) Three days of solid rain did not kill anything much to my amazement. I did end up bringing the smallest plants up under cover the last day, which I probably should have done sooner. The cooler temps have allowed the large plants (Not Orange Thai-Hurricane and Datil) to set pods. [sharedmedia=gallery:images:446]
I've been wondering what the heck the Not Orange Thai-Hurricane really is, and now to add to my confusion it has started throwing out multiple flowers per node...
Just a few, but enough to convince me it is at least part chinense. This time I've taken some pictures of the fruit as it sets, and they point upwards like annuum when they first set, so I'm also now convinced this is an open chinense (Probably Datil) and annuum cross.




As for the other plants, the Cayenne's has started flowering, and the other little guys seem to be doing okay. Naga Morich still seem to be the most tolerant of the superhots but the BJ Browns are starting to come along too.

I still have way too many f2s of the Hurricane I'll need to decide what to do with them soon.
Looking good, greenman
Minor update: My late summer harvest was mostly ruined by the nearly 2 months of consecutive rain days. I managed to get a few pods off of my plants but most were moldy and smelled "off" so had to be trashed. I have a new flush of pods developing and some cayennes that still look good. Continuously battling Broad mites and a few Whiteflies and Aphids with Neem oil.

Also just saw the first flowers on my BJ Chocolate, 7 Pod Brown, and Hurricane F2's. I have also reduced/culled the H-F2 crop to the healthiest 30 plants, down from 70+. No pod set yet, but it shouldn't be long.