I have 2 small flat rate boxes for auction. Winner can have both for winning bid X2 or just one and then the second highest bid will get one if highest does not want both. Bidding starts at $6 Auction will end at 9pmEST and I will email the winner with paypal info to pay. US only
They each include
1 Jimmy Nardello sweet pepper
Several Cumari Do Para
Several Indonesian Chiles
Several Caribbean Red Habaneros
2 Yellow 7Pots
Several Naga Morich
They are practically identical.
Nice heat and flavor in these boxes
Bidding starts at the $6 for shipping
Ends at 9pmEST and winner will be contacted right away for payment. Non payment by 9:30pmEST will default to the next highest Sorry but I work a day job and want to hit the post in the morning with them
Sorry US only
Piled to show all varieties in there. Just closed them up and they are full.
They each include
1 Jimmy Nardello sweet pepper
Several Cumari Do Para
Several Indonesian Chiles
Several Caribbean Red Habaneros
2 Yellow 7Pots
Several Naga Morich

They are practically identical.
Nice heat and flavor in these boxes
Bidding starts at the $6 for shipping
Ends at 9pmEST and winner will be contacted right away for payment. Non payment by 9:30pmEST will default to the next highest Sorry but I work a day job and want to hit the post in the morning with them
Sorry US only
Piled to show all varieties in there. Just closed them up and they are full.