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I know y'all cook up some great steaks so post them up in here....

I'll start us off…


Getting up to room temp

Throw it on the grill...


Steak, mashed taters with Five counties cheese waiting to melt on top, and some peez


Juices flowing…


Yum! What u got?
Maybe as you say. I dont know... Families have told me that of US meat is good as Argentina. In addition to view the ours pics, I realize that.
Often traveling to other countries, meat turned me very difficult to digest. I speak from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela.
In June I want to trip to USA, after I do. I can say this...
How did you like?

Very nice. Developed that full, sweet aromatic of smoked beef (brisket) in 15-20% of the total cook time.

At 125F internal I re-probed to see if the thickest spot was 'good' and found it was 130F! ...

So, it was MR already before resting, so I rested it for only 10-15 min and it was Med - right where I'm happiest ...

It's tasty, has that nice beefiness like round and flank, where the meatiness comes out continuously while you chew ...

I liked it ... will repeat.
FreeportBum said:
Larger one fed 3 people,no pics was busy enjoying the evening. cooking the other tomorrow in the snow storm.think spring
No sriracha wings ... no nipple-pinch-worthy steaks ...
Thanks for taking the time to send the sourdough starter, though ... and for the technical support reviving it! ...
Haven't worn long-sleeves yet, and it doesn't look like I'll get the chance either ...
Might even plant some plugs outside this weekend while I'm tending to the cook ...
Doing a bone-in prime ny strip tonight on the kettle, along w/ a turkey breast ...

Pecan and briquets and the vortex @ 235F ...

Prep: http://thehotpepper.com/index.php?/topic/51319-%3D%5B-grill-grantmichaels%2C-grill-%5D%3D/page__view__findpost__p__1126763






Searzall'd the top w/ spooned brown butter while the seasoning side sizzling ... ftw.