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Buds Turning Black and Falling Before They're Fully Formed

Most of my plants are still dropping buds/flowers, but I attribute that to our persistent 95F+ weather. But I have an Aji Panca that is about 3 feet tall that starts to form buds, then soon after they are barely identifiable nubbins, they turn black and die. The plant looks healthy otherwise.

EDIT: Pics in post #3 below.
I have sort of the same issue on all of my plants, the existing buds aren't affected, only new ones that seem to take longer than the others to get bigger. The existing buds are still growing and I do get some new buds.

Here is the plant. It looks pretty healthy to me. If anyone sees something I don't, please comment.


Here is a dead bud pic. They get about 1/8" long, then die into little black nubs like this.


If it was just a few of many, I wouldn't care. But every forming bud does this, and there have been at least 20. In contrast, here is a Jamaican Yellow right next to it. Same everything but it is podding up.


Any thoughts?
To much nuts in the soil atm?
^^^^^ yeah. Too much nitro?

It would be interesting if that was the problem. I've been using mostly organic stuff that is not supposed to burn. This plant is on the same regimen as my other plants and none of them seem to have had this issue. Just flushed them early this past week, but this issue was going on before that. They haven't received any ferts since. Didn't post this back then as I wanted to see if flushing the soil would help. As you can see, it didn't. It is MG Moisture Control soil, but these were potted about a couple of months ago.
It's most likely the heat --- my bhut has been doing the same all season - then we had a cool spell and had 100+ flowers bloom -- cool spell left and 98+ dropped leaving 2 pods -- lost 1 of those to the next wind storm and have 1 remaining. -- So at least in my case once the weather cooperated for a few days it bloomed like crazy so is definitely a weather thing here and I suspect you are in the same boat !
Those blackened tiny buds look like some of the ones I had on my plants (I still have them in some of the splits of the branches.) The people I spoke with on this forum attributed my lack of buds to the heat as well (as well as the possibility of reduced sunlight, which I think I solved.) I didn't have any buds really starting to grow until the heat died down here, and I still have some of the tiny black buds like you have. We had a period of time here after that when the heat ramped back up, and further growth of all of the buds stalled. It's cooler now, and I'm hoping more buds will grow and flower than I have. These plants can be pretty temperature dependent at times!
Probably too hot at night. We had well over a month of 95F+ temps with minimal if any bud or bloom loss but it always got down to 75F at night.
I guess it will just take time. Our nighttime temps are actually high 60s to low 70s. Once the daytime temps drop, maybe the buds will develop.
Our lows are never under 78 here in the summer and highs are always 90+ unless it cloudy and raining. Organic or synthetic really doesn't matter, to much nitrogen will prevent blossoms from forming. Flushing tells me you waterlogged em, too much water is also a no no causing stress, our flood the other week caused lots of my peppers to ripen early and buds an flowers to drop. Insect stress can also cause the same symptoms, take a step by step approach eliminating each possibility one step at a time. GL
I have exactly the same thing happening on my bhut with every single bud that's popping. I'm guessing it's related to the heat and the plant type, because my explosive embers is starting to flower just fine. Hopefully by the end of the month the weather will finally start dropping below the average of 30c/90f we are having all the time and then the bud will start growing.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
Thanks, Willard. I've seen your infamous list circulating. Excluding those that have to do with flower drop (like pollenation), and looking only at bud death before they even flower. They turn black on the plant. They don't drop green. It could be day time temps, but now I wonder about the mineral in our water. We have really hard water. Maybe I shoud leave a 5 gallon bucket out for a day or two to let the mineral content settle out and the chlorine to evaporate.