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BeerPimps Winter Pepper Project

I decided to try my hand at growing peppers in the winter. I wanted also to try hydroponics. Just the basic DWC method. I picked up those supplies and a Quantum T5 Badboy. These are the Peppers I am going to try.

Mustard Habanero
Purple Jalapeno
7 Pot/Pod

I had the Fatali and Mustard Hab seeds so I started them in Oasis cubes on 08/31/2012
The other two seeds came in on the 09/05/2012. So I threw them in the their cubes. I also tried germinating a couple Korean Gochu seeds. They germinate fast and will be a good test because I have never used Oasis cubes. So far they seem to be doing good.

Took a picture today of them just peaking their heads out the top of the cubes. The tallest one is the Gochu pepper. The shorter one in the front the Mustard Hab.

Nice start for the winter............keep those cubes moist.

Ya I added water after the picture. The T5 fixture is awesome to start seeds under. It provides a little heat so I can adjust it up and down to maintain the temperature. It keeps the temp very consistent. I also brought in a Gochu plant and Scotch Bonnet. The Gochu is doing very well. The Scotch Bonnet is trying to work through the shock of transplanting. I trimmed it back a bit to try to help it. I think it will be ok.
My two seeds I dropped in the Oasis cubes later are finally up. My Korean Gochu is well ahead of my other seads and it already has its first leaves. I may test my hydroponic setup by planting him earlier. Here is a picture of the Purple Jalapeno no doubt thats what this one is.

Beerpimp i would like to see ur setup im thinking about doin the same thing for the winter. Thanks
Sorry for the long delay on an update. I put one plant the purple jalapeno into its DWC setup last weekend just to see how it would react. It is doing very well. I put the other three in their setups today. I waited a little long to transfer them but they should be ok. The Jalapeno really greened up once I move it over. The other plants are a little on the yellow side because I probably should have moved them a couple weeks ago. Here is a picture of my setup. The potted plant is my Gochu. I got rid of my Scotch Bonnet because it was not fairing very well after potting it down and moving it inside. I had to name all my plants so here are there names.

Fatali - Big Bird
Mustard Hab - Beaker
Purple Jalapeno - Grimace
7 Pot/Pod - Honey Boo Boo

I would also like to add if you are looking for a cheap spill tray. I got one at Menards. It is 28"x30" white platic tray that you are suppose to put under your washer in case it leaks. I will update with pictures today or tomorrow. I finally got a PH meter so I started regulating the PH. I knew I needed one but had a bunch of stuff going including a trip to Vegas. I can see a huge difference in just 5 days.

Updated pictures.

Honey Boo Boo - 7-Pod

Beaker - Mustard Habanero

Big Bird - Fatali

Lastly Grimace - Purple Jalapeno
Can't believe Grimace grew so much in 3 weeks. He is currently about 16" tall and starting to flower. I was wondering when you guys would recommend I change to bloom nutrients? I changed the nutrients last week and picked up some Floranova Bloom. Since it has been cooler the roots seem to be doing better. In front of it is my Fatali and next to that in some oasis cubes are more Kohlrabi that I am starting. Look at the growing other forum for that post. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/35969-dwc-kohlrabi/ Lastly my 7 Pod seems to be catching up. I changed the nutrients today in everything except my Purple Jalapeno.


Well the first bud on the plant is now growing a pepper. I figured some of the first buds would not produce any peppers. I will post a picture later when its bigger.
Since December 8th my purple Jalapeno has doubled in size. I am finally getting blooms on my Mustard Habanero, Fatali , and 7 Pot/Pod.
A long overdue update. Had to take down the Fatali which only produced one pepper and my Purple Jalapeno to make room for my seedlings.

I still have the mustard habanero and 7 Pod/Pot up. The mustard habanero produced a lot of little peppers. Unfortunately durring the winter I think the colder temps kept the 7 Pod from producing peppers the blossoms just dropped. As it warmed up I was not as diligent with the nutrient changes and PH upkeep. I was also having problems with my airstones not putting out enough bubbles. I bought a couple flat airstones and decided to be super diligent about nutrients. I also decdied to kick up my nutrients because I think the plant needs more nutrients based on what my friend saw. Well anyways 2 days after the airstone upgrade and nutrient change I was looking at the leaves and noticed full sized pepper. I wonder how long it has been growing. For it to be that size it has to have been a while I had seen 2-3 small peppers but this one suprised me.


Also I will have to say starting seeds under a T5 light system is awesome. The only problem I ran into was underwatering some of my tomato plants and one fatali. Once I figured that out I had no problems.
Looking good. How about some pics of the hydros from last year that you still have. They should be huge by now.