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condiment Anyone with an AUTHENTIC mexican salsa recepie?

The easiest to start with is pico de gallo. Then move onto verde, and roja. Then, create your own. :)
i agree, pico is easy..
my recipe is:
3-4 roma tomatos diced
1 bunch of cilantro diced chopped fine
some chiles.. your choice i like jal. or serrano.. if you like hotter try habs. i get about a cup chopped up
onion.. 2 med or 1 large.. sweet varieties work well
limes or lime juice.. 3 is my usual.. i add the juice and the zest..
1-2 cloves of garlic minced fine
salt to taste..
mix in a large bowl (non metal) allow to sit for about 30 min

all measurements are subject to your tastes.. some ppl dont like too much cilantro or garlic.. adjust as you like
From what I understand, "salsa" means "sauce" which could be ANYTHING from pico to fermented hot sauce to gravy to fruit salad dressing ......

But, guessing you're looking for a typical pico de gallo style salsa, here's the recipe I've used for several years when doing the salsa project at school- (and also a black bean salsa)

edit- I copy/pasted the recipe and the text is a little funky, but the first recipe has 2 measurements, for a small batch and large batch. The measurements are on the correct lines, you just have to separate the measurements in the text.

Super Simple Salsa- Pico de Gallo style

Small batch Large batch Item
5-6 2 lbs Roma tomatoes- chopped *see notes
4 1 bunch Green onions-washed, trimmed, slices small
2 tbsp ½ Purple onion- diced
1-3 2-4 Jalapeno- seeded, minced
1-2 3-4 Garlic cloves- minced
2 ½ bunch Cilantro
½ lime 1 lime juice from Lime
½ tsp 1 tsp Salt

Combine all ingredients, stir gently, STOP! That’s it! ENJOY~~~!!!
Yield- small batch 3 cups, large batch 7 cups

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Black Bean and Corn Salsa

3 cans Black Beans, 15 oz, drained
1 can whole kernel Corn 15 oz, drained
2 Roma tomatoes- diced *see notes
1 small Purple Onion- diced
½ bunch Cilantro- washed, chopped
3-4 cloves Garlic- minced
2 Jalapeno- seeded, minced
¼ cup lime juice
1 Tbsp Tomato Paste *see notes
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder

Mix everything together in a large bowl, flavor will get better if it sits a couple hours or overnight. ENJOY~~~
Yield- 8 cups (enough for a party! Invite the neighbors....... J )

Briefly rinse tomatoes under hot water to remove any wax or oils that may have been put on the tomatoes to prevent mold growth during shipping.

Tomato Paste is available in re-closable tubes. Just squeeze out what you need, keep the rest in the fridge for later. Look for it in the tomato sauce/paste section of the grocery store.

Smash whole cloves of garlic with a clean can or the flat side of a knife for easy peeling.
O.K., you might find this a bit odd. But I've found a lot of great Mexican recipes by doing the following:

First, I pull up an online translator, since I don't speak Spanish.

Second, I pull up Google Mexico (google.mx).

I do a lot of cutting and pasting back and forth between the recipes on Google Mexico and the translator. Unfortunately, I can't do that with the great recipe videos I find.

Hey, that reminds me! Here's a great recipe video for Salsa Guajillo!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9x3E5l9I_8