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I love my new job :)


eXtreme Business
I've been in my current job for a month now, and I absolutely love it! :)

To bring everyone up to speed, I got a huge promotion into the new job a month ago, and it came with quite the raise. Between the initial raise, and the fact I'm earning a bonus for working in the evenings, I'm earning about $10k more than I was prior. I'm working 1530-2400 Tuesday thru Saturday, which is my dream shift, since I can sleep in, and any appointments I need to make, I can schedule in the morning without having to take time off from work or wait for a holiday. Oh yeah, and despite being that we're a 24/7 operation, my boss told us that only one person per shift was really needed to work on a holiday, and it'd be on a volunteer basis. Anyone who worked the holiday would get double pay, meaning it'd come out to just shy of an extra $275 in my paycheck if I volunteered. Otherwise I'd get the holiday off like normal. And if the holiday happened to fall on one of my regular days off (Sunday or Monday), I'd get Tuesday off, meaning I'd still be getting quite a few 3-day weekends.

And as for the job itself, we mainly monitor the computer servers (including daily up-time, remaining hard drive capacity, and a couple other things) and networks for our Region, which is from Michigan to Puerto Rico, and almost never have to deal with customers. In fact, since I've started, we've had a grand total of three phone calls... not per person, three phone calls total, thought that's bound to increase somewhat as more people get hired on for the regional service lines. We do have to submit a daily report once a shift, and include anything that's misbehaving to let the local staff know for them to fix. We rotate that duty so that any one of us really only needs to do it once a week, and despite on the surface, being very extensive, a couple of us have timed ourselves, and just one of us could do the report by themselves in about 20-30 minutes without a problem.

My boss also made abundantly clear that he's pretty liberal when it comes to leave, so unless we truly screw up and give him a reason not to, he'll approve most of our leave requests. He also fought for us to eventually move to telework within the next six months, which means that we'll all be working from home 4 days a week, and only coming in 1 day a week to the office by this time next year.

And speaking of which, I spoke with my boss about moving from one site to another in the near future... both he and his boss officially allowed any of us to move around within the region. Before, it was in a bit of a grey area, and he was trying to get it officially approved, and his boss finally agreed to it a couple weeks ago. Not only would it mean I can move up to the next site up now, it'd get harder and harder for them to say "No" to me coming. For starters, any site that hosts a regional employee gets extra money thrown their way, and the last time I checked, no site director has ever said "No" to more money, and secondly, they get the inside track on any upcoming major projects, since my group is usually the first to hear about said projects (most of the time they only hear about it after it's done), and so the site can do something to prepare.

Right now, my plan is to stay right where I'm at until around September-October, and then move to the next site up. My boss said that even if there's an issue of space, he'll make sure the local site will get an offer they couldn't refuse. And my parentals are becoming more and more agreeable to eventually letting me take over their house. Not right away of course, since they still have the renters in it, and my folks wanna milk 'em for all it's worth, but eventually they wouldn't mind having a family member living in it, not just because they can have a vacation house down here, but since I'm family, they can claim the homestead exemption, which just got bumped up in the most recent election cycle, and which will take effect next year. In the interim, there's some awesome apartments not too far from where my folks live that I can rent. One area, for instance, was only built in the last 5 years, and for about $1450 a month, I can get a 3bd/2ba apartment with my own garage, an office/den, washer/dryer, balcony, and storage area. The balcony is definitely large enough to have quite a few DWC's on it, and I know that for quite a few of the units, the balconies are southeastern-facing, meaning any plants I put there will be getting plenty of sunlight. It'll also fix the problem of pollenation and getting sufficient airflow :)
That sounds really nice! As a 17 year old with no current job, I would love to have even a fraction of supplemental income for my hydroponics!

You sound like you are in a really great position in your life right now and I'm totally happy for you!
Glad I don't live in florida lol. I pay that WITH utilities for a whole house 4br/garage/acre/2yr old never lived in home. I just need to make Washington, DC money living in Pittsburgh, PA. LOL
Sounds like a pretty good gig to me.. As long as you enjoy it and are happy with it's all good!
I personally wouldn't like the hours myself. But if it works it works
Right on!.
Sounds like a pretty good gig to me.. As long as you enjoy it and are happy with it's all good!
I personally wouldn't like the hours myself. But if it works it works
Right on!.

I enjoy the hours immensely, since I'm single with no kids, and I really don't go out all that much, except to the occasional movie, and for dinner/drinks once in a while with friends.
Sounds like a nice job, any openings :)

Unfortunately not, pretty much all the slots are filled, and if any openings are coming up anytime soon, chances are they'll be promoting people to those positions from within...
Unfortunately not, pretty much all the slots are filled, and if any openings are coming up anytime soon, chances are they'll be promoting people to those positions from within...
I hear ya, great jobs that you're happy with are sometimes hard to come by. Enjoy and have a happy Bird-Day :)
Plus with gov't jobs, sometimes it feels like just getting one requires you go through the equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition. The first job I got took 5 months to the day from the day I applied to my first day on the job because they had to verify every single thing I put down on my job application, and that didn't include how long it took for them to get my security clearance in order...
Since I had off from work today, I decided to head up to my old stomping grounds not too far from my parents' place to begin looking at some apartment complexes in the interim between when I can head up there and when my parents' place is available, whenever that is. I narrowed it down to a list of 5 places, and the 3rd one I looked at blew the rest right outta the water. It had all the amenities I was looking for, and then some, and on top of that, the neighborhood as super quiet, and really close to a lot of things I enjoy going to/doing. Plus, I did the driving test, and this one I really like was only a 15 minute drive to the site I wanna transfer to. That seems somewhat likely to happen, since like I mentioned before, having a regional person on the site comes with certain perks, and it works to my benefit as much as the site's. Also, the attached garage is sufficiently long and tall, that I could hang my CFL lamps and put the plants under them in DWC's with plenty of room to spare for my car. The lady I spoke to at the rental office even said that since I work for Uncle Sam, I'd only need to pay a $99 security deposit instead of the usual amount because of gov't employee's tendency of keeping their jobs. And I could reserve a unit once one becomes available by just doing the security deposit and the admin fee, which is par for the course & covers the usual stuff (background check, credit check, etc.), and then pay the rent once I'm ready to move there when it gets closer to September/October.

That, and a recent fiasco with what I can only describe as some combination of ineptitude and laziness on the part of the UPS drivers in my area has made me more convinced than ever that I should get outta here and move back up there. Never thought I'd say that a package delivery service being lazy would tip me over the edge for deciding to move out of a particular area, but after so many times of dealing with them refusing to walk the 50 feet from my front door to my complex's rental office to drop my package off with the office manager, I've had it. In the area I used to live in near my parents' place, I know the UPS drivers there are cool about leaving packages with the office staff if nobody's home, but here, it's like the UPS site here got the bottom barrel scrapings in terms of drivers. C'est la vie, but it'd still be nice to not have to wait an extra 3 days because a driver doesn't want to walk 50 feet, especially if the package is perishable as some of mine have been.
Two months in, and I can say this is perhaps the best job I've ever had :)

Last week, I was the acting shift supervisor for a few days. Because of a slight SNAFU in the paperwork from HR, the shift supervisors that were supposed to start last week, will instead be starting next week, so our division chief wanted some of us to fill in as the acting supervisor in the interim, and it was my turn in the rotation last week. Not too bad, pretty easy stuff, but it'd be nice to finally have an official supervisor instead of having to pester our division chief for coffee & cake stuff, ya know? I also spent a couple days doing the math, and it'd really be in my best interest to head up north to the West Palm area and work out of there, since the cost of living up there is much better than in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, not to mention the fact that the traffic is better. The only thing stopping me from going up there right now is that in order to head up there early, I'd have to break my lease here, which would cost me a pretty penny, and I'd lose my security deposit. The earliest I can realistically go without breaking my lease, will be around September or so, which is fine with me. Reason being, I can bide my time in the interim, save up some money, and pay off a few things I've been meaning to.

As it stands now, I can save quite a bit between now and when I want to move up to the West Palm area. Even the most conservative estimate I could come up with is around $10k, even with the stuff I want to pay off between now and the end of September. There's a couple things I'm on track to pay off in early April, which will add about $200 a paycheck (they get automatically deducted every paycheck), as well as my two remaining credit cards. I don't have TOO much on them, but enough that it'd be worth my while in the long run to pay them off. My goal is to have them largely paid off by the time I move out of here in September/October, which should add another $200 per month. My plan is to cancel one of them, and leave the other one as an emergency card just in case any unexpected expenses (major car repairs, etc.).