Pick-A-Peck of Peppers Swap


It's that time again!!! Welcome to the Annual Pick-A-Peck of Peppers seed swap!

So here are the rules (every swap's gotta have them)
* No deadline on signing up, but ALL seeds must reach me no later than February 8th. I will do my very best to have them back out by February 15th. That's almost three weeks earlier than last year!

* Seed packets should be labeled as commercial, or harvested/hand collected.

* Seed packets should have minimum 12 - 15 seeds per packet.

* Limit of packets per variety = 3. If you send in more than 3 of a variety, the rest will be considered extras.
This will increase the variety in the swap. More variety sent in = more variety received back : ) If you have something very rare, or in high demand, contact me privately, and I may wave the 3 pack limit for that item.

*** This being my fourth year to host, I am still tweaking the rules a bit. Due to having way too many of certain varieties in the past, I've created a list of peppers that will NOT be accepted in this swap. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them, but they are very common varieties, that are available at any Walmart or Lowe's, so therefore, not on anyone's wishlist.

If you send these in, I will return them to you.

Cherry Peppers
Big Jim
Sweet Banana
Corno di Toro
Hungarian Wax
Hot Lemon/Lemon Drop
California Wonder, or any Unnamed Bell Peppers (very few people had Bells on their wishlists at all)
Seed Mixes of any kind

If you have a rare, named variety of one of the items on this list, email me, and I may make an exception.

*** NEWBIE RULE. Anyone just getting started is welcome to join the swap, just post that you are new to growing peppers and only have common seeds to share. Newbies will just send in the bubble mailer, with a return address label, and plenty of stamps and little seed baggies, along with a wishlist, but NO SEEDS. Between donations and my own stash, you should get a nice variety back.

* Limit of total packs = 40. I've lowered it from 50. In previous years I had a couple of folks send in 50 different varieties. Do you know how hard it was to come up with 50 varieties OTHER than the ones they sent in?

* Please put your THP name on the seed packet. This will ensure that you don't receive your own seeds back.

* Include a list of what you are sending in. This will also ensure that you don't receive the same thing you sent in.

* Please include a wishlist, or at least me know if you prefer Sweet/Mild, Hot, Superhot, or a Mix, so that I can send you things you will enjoy, even if I don't have items specifically from your wishlist. You may also indicate if you prefer OP/Heirloom types, or Hybrids. I can't guarantee what you will get back, since it is dependent on what others send in, but I will do my best.

* Commercial seeds should have an expiration date of '12 or '13. If hand collected, they should have been harvested in '11 or '12. Please put this information on the seed packet.

* Canadian members are welcome to join, as long as their seeds reach me by the deadline. Be aware that it can take up to two weeks, since the envelope has to make it through customs.

* And last but not least, please include a return address label, and enough postage, for the return [background=transparent][background=transparent]trip[/background][/background]. If you are sending cash, please send in at least as much as it cost to get the envelope to me. Also, if you want me to send your package with a delivery confirmation, you need to send enough $ to cover it.

* I will send you a PM with my mailing address once you have posted here to sign up for this swap.

I apologize if that sounds like a lot of rules, but this will keep the swap fair and [background=transparent][background=transparent]fun[/background][/background] for everyone.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything.

Your hostess,
Very nice Bonnie. :dance:

I will send you some seeds again this year to help out all the newbies. :party:

It is the least I can for all that you have done for me. :P

Mostly all super hots and some cool hybrid crosses I and my compadres grew last year.
I would like to be in this I am a Newbie joined late nov 2012
The seeds I have lots of are the foribiden ones LOL
Sweet Banana
California Wonder
Hi Bonnie, I'm in!

Awesome, Rick! Thanks for joining! I'm guessing you still have my mailing address?

Very nice Bonnie. :dance:

I will send you some seeds again this year to help out all the newbies. :party:

It is the least I can for all that you have done for me. :P

Mostly all super hots and some cool hybrid crosses I and my compadres grew last year.

Ooooh, thank you, Jamie!!! I know your donation will make lots of people happy!

lost....lol...ill read a little later

Basically, it's a group seed swap. You send in packets of seeds, and get back different stuff to try.

Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for hosting this. I would love to participate, please count me in. Happy New Year!

Hi Fiogga, glad to have you back again this year! A couple of things I received from you last year are on my growlist this year. Do you still have my address, or should I send it to you?

I would like to be in this I am a Newbie joined late nov 2012
The seeds I have lots of are the foribiden ones LOL
Sweet Banana
California Wonder

No worries, Frdlturner, I will PM you my address. Just send in the bubble envelope with return address label, postage, baggies, and a wishlist, and I will hook you up. :dance:

Looks like we are off and running! Wahoo!!!

I would love to join... I am in my second year of growing and am still a Newbie, and will contribute next year. Planning is going good for this season and I'm looking forward to growing a good variety this year.

Thank you!!

Hey I would like to join. I don't have much to send in as I just joined a couple weeks ago and this is my first season growing super hots. Been growing veggies for a while and I have extra fatally and moruga seeds I can Send a pack of each. But that's about it in extras after I complete some swaps already planned with some other members. Hope I can join.
Bryan and Dan, I have sent you a PM with my mailing address.

Here's who we have so far:

Island Dan

Plus a couple of people from another forum.

Sign ups are just getting started, so it looks like it will be a good turnout again this year! Very excited!!!

Please send me your addy. Tried to send you a pm, full mailbox. I'm sure you are getting a number of messages. Thanks so much for hosting again, excited to participate, received many great seeds last year.

Please send me your addy. Tried to send you a pm, full mailbox. I'm sure you are getting a number of messages. Thanks so much for hosting again, excited to participate, received many great seeds last year.

Ooops, I'll clean out my box, and get that address to you.
Good afternoon!

Fiogga, I hope you received my message.

We are off to a great start! I posted the swap on a couple other forums, and we are already up to 16 participants.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Here's who we have so far from THP:[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Stickman (Received)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Fiogga[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Frdlturner[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Xavi[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Island Dan[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I've already sown everything but the annums, but I got a couple of seed packets in the mail today, so it looks like I'll be sowing a few more seeds today. [/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Have the rest of you gotten started yet?[/background]
I would, but I already have too many pepper seeds. I didn't participate in Heather's Swap this year either, or
should I say last year.
I'm in :) I'll send you a PM here in a bit. I have a bunch of seed for annuum scotch bonnets that I can send in ( ~1000 seeds I'd guess?) and smaller batches for some other peppers. I know its more than 3 baggies, but its a good way to spread the heat :).