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review Official Review: Heatseekers Chilli Incinerator

Product Name: Heatseekers Chilli Incinerator

Style: Capsaicin extract hot sauce

Manufacturer: Heatseekers Chilli

Country of Origin: Australia

Website: http://www.heatseekerschilli.com.au

Ingredients: Pineapple Juice, Peaches, Chillies (7-pot and Trinidad Scorpion), Vinegar, Ginger, Sugar, 95% Grain Alcohol, 95% Natural Capsaicin (15 million SHUs), No oleoresin extracts.

Label/Packaging: The bottle is hand dipped in gold wax and is a hand numbered collectible, so many collectors may not open it. The label itself is a bit dark, and the name of the product is hard to read, but the ingredients and warnings are easier to read. Simple label black with white, grey lettering.

Appearance/Aroma: The appearance of the sauce is that of a puree. Tons of flesh and skins. No sign of that dark oleoresin oil (because this extract sauce is free of oleoresin). The aroma is that of fresh peppers. It immediately takes me back to the days of walking the rows and rows of superhots at Meadowview Farms this Fall. I hope this has the flavor to match the aroma!

I figured for my first Aussie sauce review, I should go with the baddest bully on the block. Will it live up to the hype?

Body of Review:
Let me start by saying a big thanks to Nova for arranging for me to get this bottle. While I am not a huge fan of extract sauces, my mind has been opened to this type. You see, many use a chemical process using oleoresin to extract the oils from the peppers. This results in some of the chemicals remaining, often giving the sauce a bitter metallic taste. The type of extraction used by Heatseekers in their Incinerator is that of extracting the oils by using grain alcohol, leaving a more clean and pure taste. As I said, this is my first time trying an Aussie superhot sauce.
A toothpick test to start has a very pleasant, almost sweet taste. I guess there really is fruit in there. The peaches and pineapple combine with the natural sweetness of the 7 pots and scorpions to give you a real fruity flavor. The texture is much like it looksa little chunky like a puree.
After trying a little more, the heat begins. I feel it wash over me from the base of my neck up over the top of my head. I feel all tingly. The burn is all over my mouth, but not centered anywhere in particular. I feel it mostly on the tip of my tongue and in my throat. The flavor is still wonderful. The heat continues to build as I continue to sweat. It is not overpowering from this little bit I had, but it certainly could be if I continued to eat it. The burn is actually nice. It is what I would call a clean burn. It is so much different than most other extract sauces. It is continuing to change my mind about ruling out all extract sauces.
The burn does not last forever, and I continue to go back for more. A little more each time. I have even gotten up the nerve to use this sauce straight on food.

Heat Level: 10

Applications: One drop at a time, as an additive. I tried it on tacos, pizza, and to heat up chili. It was good in all of them, and it can work by itself if you can stand the heat.

Appearance Score: 4
Aroma Score: 4.5
Taste Score: 4.5
Mouthfeel Score: 4
Heat Accuracy Score: 5

Overall Score: 4.4

Notes: A wonderful product that will change you mind about extract sauces. It has the heat AND the flavor. Nice job Candice. Well done.


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I really like the appearance of the sauce on the spoon, so am surprised you only gave it a 4. And I would think the lack of oleoresin played a part in that and the textural difference. Based on your description, I also would have given it higher points in that category, as I prefer thicker sauces where it is obvious it is predominantly fruit instead of liquid-type fillers. But, to each his own - I know some like thinner sauces.

Excellent review - I really liked the descriptions.
Yet another awesome review Jay!

Having had this sauce myself, I can say, this stuff is no joke.
I love it with my chorizo con juevos. You are tougher than me tho Jay,
The toothpic dip lit me up but good. The flavor of the 7 really is showcased in this sauce IMO.