Thanks for all the recommendations.
However, despite all the varying advice, it doesn't look like there has been any sort of consensus reached.
Is this just sort of a "spray and pray" sort of situation?
Can anyone comment on whether moving them from the mite infested house to the outdoors will help at all?
Since these mites are doing their best to destroy my crop, I'm not opposed to any potential solution which might help to alleviate this plague.
I'm planning to go outside in about two weeks (i.e. away from my mite infested apartment).
Between wind, rain, and the potential for natural predators to join the fight... what are the chances that natural conditions will resolve the issue?
ok idk about the rest of the people posting here ... but I DO indeed have alot of experience dealing with mites. i have several large pine trees around my home that seem to harbor spider mites, so i get them atleast once a year.
Abamectin sprayed properly, WILL kill them all off 100%.
depending on how severe your infestation is you may need two rounds of spraying. you must use mix with distilled water, and imo a surfactant is a must as well, although thats debatable i suppose. abamectin will degrade in direct sunlight so spray in the evening with as little wind as possible. try not to over spray... try not to allow the spray to drip off the leaves.
abamectin is a local systemic. it essentially soakes into leaf tissues... they feed on said tissues and they will die within a few days. it WILL NOT kill eggs, hence why you MUST spray more than once. i highly reccomend the three sprays i mentioned above. this will ensure 100% coverage across there life cycle. the mode of action will last at least 3 weeks in the worst of cases. in my case i get away for more like 9 weeks before they reinfest.
if you have a super light infestation just go with the 1ml/ gallon. very bad go with 2ml/gallon
if you search the forums ive talked about abamectin several times here.
its possible i suppose... that moving them outdoors will atleast alleviate the problem... however in my case they are all super infested outdoors. ive had to toss TOMATO plants due to infestations that were un noticed in neglected plants.
they can make an amazing mess of your plants in just a few weeks, spinning webs all over the place.
i grew hops one year that were spider mite magnets, WITH spraying they came back 3 times. i think it all just depends you know? every year is different with different pests and different predatiors.
ive come never depend on nature, and only myself.