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Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw

A new superhot bred to beat Moruga Scorpion was announced today:

"The new almighty of chile peppers, The hottest chile pepper variety ever created, Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw is ready!"


"Years ago, after getting Moruga Scorpion seeds, a long time before it was measured to be the hottest variety on earth, I started a breeding project which started with Moruga Scorpion variety. During that time it was totally unknown variety."

"I figured out it could be bred to be even hotter, by using varieties that had similar powers to Moruga Scorpion which will be unnamed."

"After several years of breeding, which practically meant selecting the hottest and the best tasting variety for several generations, the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw variety was born!"

let's see if this one will survive the hype :)


They are beautiful. You know I can't decide if all this back and forth and claims is exciting or just tiring. Sometimes it seems like a lot of noise with no real signal. Other times it seems like a horse race coming to the finish or the olympics where we are going to see more records broken.

On a personal level I don't care. I can only enjoy the peppers if I dilute them so much that I can't taste their flavor*. It is at best (or worse) a spectator sport for me.

*do not use this sentence as a counter argument in another post.
I'll just leave this here

The Pods and plants are very interesting, but unless you happen to live in Finland you won't even get to taste the powder and they are not even selling seeds to their own people, so to me they are just blowing their own horn. I might change my mind if and when they make their seeds available to the US and the rest of the world. :confused:
Now hold on just a sec. Just exactly how can it be the "hottest chili pepper ever created" if we don't know what the "ahem" numbers are for the previously declared hottest pepper in the world aka the Carolina Reaper. Or did I miss the Guinness announcement? I for one am tired of this crap. But I guess you can't blame a guy for wanting to make some money.
Beautiful new variety, they look cool. I wouldn't buy the seeds, though. At this point of heat, at least for me, only taste matters. Still got to try the 7pot primo orange and many others before I have the time and space to grow all this new hybrids. Then again, i think I will rather use the space for some interesting varieties like a Bahamian Goat or some Arribi Gusanos.

But look at the picture of the split pod. There is a SEA of oil in there. Nicely done.
I'm close to Finland!!! How about sending some power over to me in France. We've got some recipes being designed for super hots, and it can't kill the clientel. Using super hots in cooking is certainly challenging!
This guy isn't someone who just crawled out from under a rock!! Take a month or more to look over the data and amazing photography on his site,especially the undomesticated capsicum. THP isn't the only chile forum,it just gets the most traffic!!!!!! I wish him all the success in the world. How many folks get to love their job or live their dream?
This guy isn't someone who just crawled out from under a rock!! Take a month or more to look over the data and amazing photography on his site,especially the undomesticated capsicum. THP isn't the only chile forum,it just gets the most traffic!!!!!! I wish him all the success in the world. How many folks get to love their job or live their dream?

Well said, just to refresh people's memory every breeding thread ends with someone linking to his site...
I've opened the thread cause i'm subscribed to Jukka's mailing list and i've got the announce from day 0.
Let's keep it positive, when the seeds will be released a public Jigsaw growlog should be fun :)


I use to be a member years back, but quit and finally Joined THP forum which is based here and everyone can read the post in english which is a hell of a lot easier than trying to understand Finish and other European languages.
I know he is just wanting to make a few bucks like everyone else does, what gripes me is he is excluding every one except Finland, which shrinks his potential market and he should show the certification paper on his claims of having the real deal, only time will tell, and about that time someone else will most likely have come up with yet another world's hottest pepper. I would like to at least taste his smoked hot pepper powder.