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European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government

Our pepper-growing friends in Europe may be charged as criminals if they use seeds they saved from their own crops or if they use any seeds that have not been approved by a government commission! This European commission wants to make it a criminal offense to possess any seed a grower saved from his own crop or seeds obtained by trades, purchases, or seeds gifted by an individual. Below is a portion of an article published by "Natural News".

A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to "grow, reproduce or trade" any vegetable seeds that have not been "tested, approved and accepted" by a new EU bureaucracy named the "EU Plant Variety Agency."

It's called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.
And only the UK and some smaller countries will actually adhere to this, as with all other EU edicts concerning food. Storm in a teacup, as usual with the idiots in the EU.
Man ... never believe News Papers, journalists know nothing about how the EU institution work (trust me, I got a Master Degree of European Union law from University Paris 1)

If you have to get info go to the sources and read FAQ. This proposal doesn't concern private gardeners and farmer who plant for their own consumption. And for marketer farmers they will not be obliged to use Certified Seeds. The aim is only traceability and to certify product, not to forbid anything.

The the EU law doesn't work and apply at all like in a Federal State. I would take me a while to explain it, so I won't do it.

Please don't become those EU haters just because you don't really know how it works. If you have to hate it or like it, do it for good reasons.
Our pepper-growing friends in Europe may be charged as criminals if they use seeds they saved from their own crops or if they use any seeds that have not been approved by a government commission! This European commission wants to make it a criminal offense to possess any seed a grower saved from his own crop or seeds obtained by trades, purchases, or seeds gifted by an individual. Below is a portion of an article published by "Natural News".

A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to "grow, reproduce or trade" any vegetable seeds that have not been "tested, approved and accepted" by a new EU bureaucracy named the "EU Plant Variety Agency."

It's called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.
Who published this?
Thanks PHB for the link. The following is an excerpt from the FAQ.

5. Is the new proposal going to regulate what people plant in their gardens?
Private gardeners and farmers who use seeds and plants and produce them for their own consumption are not covered by this proposal. The proposal only concerns the marketing of plant reproductive material, and production of that material with a view to marketing.

6. Does the proposal oblige farmers to only produce and use only certified seed?
No. The draft Regulation offers the choice to breeders and farmers to breed and use either certified or non-certified (standard) material. This should depend on the needs and choices of each farmer. Certified material offers higher guarantees concerning quality and health, while standard material usually entails lower costs.
However, the draft Regulation creates the possibility to determine, at a later stage, whether certain species should only be marketed as certified material. This concerns species important for food/feed security, for which a higher level of identity, health and quality should be ensured. This is a system which for several decades has been functioning with success under the existing legislation for certain agricultural species, and has been accepted widely by the Member States and the farming sectors involved.
the story seems to be the same everywhere anymore

you cant give them anymore money because they have most of it anyway, now they just want power
im sure this is about money but mostly power, the people in charge are rich very rich and they seem to have a spirit of entitlement , they feel they are entitled to rule, there no different than the bully in the school yard
even with the exemptions it would not take very much for them to go all the way and go after the little guy too they have there foot in the door
this is just one more prime example of where the world is headed

thanks your friend Joe
The aim is only traceability and to certify product, not to forbid anything.

Then whats the point of making seeds illegal or controled?
Good luck with that Euorpe. Banning or legalizing plants of any kind is idiocy and unenforceable (genetically modified or not).
That what going on in Europe might be here soon as well.Not that long ago Paypal was sending me email that variety I was selling for more of ten years Sudanese hot is maybe subject U.S policy with Sudan & they want to know where I both the seeds from witch I bay those seeds long time ago from Redwood city & Raimer seeds, they stop transaction till I send to Paypal where I buy those seeds before with all those information with my I.D. Wright after that they clear transaction. Now I saw on news that goverment vote to put sell taxes as well on internet sell.Way to go they will shoot down bunch peoples with taxes who sell seeds.Hardly I break even just to pay for internet & extra cost.There is no more money from selling the seeds hardley any.Will see what going to happen time will tell.
Monsanto and other Companies are most likely backing such a bill, to regulate what seeds can be bought or sold, so that back yard gardeners slowly lose the right to keep, trade, and use seeds that are from Heirloom varieties which have no place in todays culture, as they help to spread various plant diseases that would other wise be a thing of the past by growing specified hybrid seeds. This is what monsanto and other seed companies would like you to think. This Bill has showed up several times and has fail to pass, but it could get passed if people come to beleive that such regulations are nessary for the safty of crops and goods being sold.
Then whats the point of making seeds illegal or controled?
Good luck with that Euorpe. Banning or legalizing plants of any kind is idiocy and unenforceable (genetically modified or not).
It's just like the same paradigm as certified organic products ...

Ok I'm out of here. You didn't read. I'm not going into a "bar talking".
lol, i love how this thread failed to change its general direction what so ever... EVEN when someone with an international law degree chimed in to clarify things...

this is like a game of telephone... amongst a group of deaf people. each new misinterpretation further stoking the the anti agri buisness sentiment that is oh so palpable on this forum.
Joe, you summed it up best my friend. Its all about having control.
thanks and i think we need to prepare to put up our dukes over here because it seems the fat cats dont respect borders anymore(not that they ever did)
we cant let this happen here

thanks your friend Joe
It's just like the same paradigm as certified organic products ...

Ok I'm out of here. You didn't read. I'm not going into a "bar talking".

I did read it. I know It didn't say anything about genetic modification (non organic). I do on the other hand know where this conversatuion is going.
From what I've read , about almost any similar proposals of this type...
It isn't specifically banning anything RIGHT NOW.

BUT it gives the guys who patent varieties/genes of what they engineer the right to screw any farmer next door if they aren't growing the engineered stuff BUT it crossed with the farmers crop of non engineered stuff.

True or not,I've read that patent laws can be used to force a guy who saves and grows his own crop and seeds from re sowing his saved seeds IF they have ANY genes that ended up crossing with the crop next door.

IF what I read is right/true.
Several farmers have been forbidden to use their saved seeds from their crop because 1 or more plants tested had crossed with the seeds the farmer next door grew that the plant was patented.

Basically at face value the law looks fairly harmless.
BUT it opens the door to people like Monsanto or? taking control of what gets grown etc.
Big $ in feeding the world.

Ya,big guys do screw up though.Monsanto is fighting cases in the less regulated countries because the engineered stuff did stuff it wasn't supposed to do under different conditions.(check out Orchids).

Stuff might cross with other stuff that in nature would never happen.

It doesn't matter what we engineer.
Mother nature will eventually control it,one way or another.
To our wants or not.

If Monsanto or whoever screws up they already have improved this or that to sell.
At the same time any one who didn't grow the first stuff but has crosses with the genes in it still can't use the seeds they saved from their crop.
It is a kind of fail safe,IF a company sells a bad product,in general,once they stop selling it the strain or whatever dies.
They don't sell more seeds and stop everyone from selling crosses.
At the same time farmers are forced to stop saving their own seeds.
A win win for commercial seed vendors/engineers.

Bad news no matter how you look at it unless EVERYONE stopped buying engineered seeds,for cheap or on contract.
That will never happen,especially in the less controlled countries.
OR from people who are already suckered into using engineered stuff.

Roundup Ready stuff is already causing a problem.
Mother Nature is already messing with that stuff.
Even some weeds are crossing with stuff whatever crop would never have IN NATURE crossed with and have become also roundup ready.
As I said,this is only what I've read.
Might not be 100% factual.
BUT it IS something to think about and research by yourself.

Everyone has an agenda...

Be informed before you jump on the pro or con bandwagon.

Genetic modification is way different than making a simple stable Hybrid.

I see too many people say F this or that when they really don't have a clue in general.