Troubleshooting Guide?

I don't suppose there's such a thing as a pepper plant problem troubleshooting guide on here? Sure, I can look up (google) specific issues, but I'm wondering if anyone has some sort of master list they look at when trying to determine issues with their plants. Something along the lines of 'if the leaves turn yellow, the issue might be this' and 'if the leaves curl upwards, the issue might be this'....

I recently brought my plants outdoors. While most of them are looking well enough, there's a few plants showing that there might be an issue with them, and I want to make sure that I do something to help them out if I should be doing something.

Anyone have favorite web links you use? Books?
I just usually keep a log of my grow and make notes of things and if I have a problem that I cant figure out I make a post on THP.
Most posts I see on THP are just growers worrying to much about their plants. However there are some issues with plants as well. Some issues being tough to identify. For example one issue may look very similar to another and get mistaken for something else.
I agree with creating a general trouble shooting guide
theghostpepperstore said:
You should note that the links are NSFW.... SO glad I am the network guy, that could have been a HR incident.
millworkman said:
I made note for those that can get into trouble.
Oh! Haha n/m
Sorry, didn't think about that. Don't want anyone getting into trouble. Only click if you work in one of the 18 states that understand :)
The real issue here is that we will need to archive or compile pictures of PEPPER PLANTS with issues. This season all I can contribute are aphid damage pics and a leaf spot So....I guess I'll start on this new thread and begin taking pictures from members that post pictures of plant issues.
Great stuff folks.
I'm not entirely worried about my own plants at the moment, but you know how it is sometimes. BF was saying that one of them looked like the leaves were a bit transparent and brownish, but I suspect it's just shocked from being indoors to outdoors and sun exposure. In any case, I've often wanted to have an all in one place to read up from, and from a reputable and reliable source :) Much better than random googling.
Pepper-Guru said:
So....I guess I'll start on this new thread and begin taking pictures from members that post pictures of plant issues.
I love the idea of pictures, not just a description of the problem. Something along the first link Pepper-Guru posted, but with pepper plants instead.
This is the flowchart I use, at least when it comes to nutrients. It definitely doesn't cover 100% of the problems we run into around here, but its a decent start.