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Siv's Roasted Bonnet


This is my first attempt. I didn't follow a recipe, just bunged a bunch of stuff together:
Scotch bonnets (mix of red, yellow and greens), tomatoes, onion and garlic on a roasting dish with a light drizzle of olive oil.

This is how it came out of the  oven:

Blended with a little apple cider vinegar.

A tasty sauce but I felt the apple in the vinegar was a little too dominant. It's a minor complaint since the sauce didn't last long. For me, not desperately hot - I can eat it by the tablespoon. Next time I may leave out the tomatoes - I think they added mostly water and not that much flavour. Alternatively, perhaps get the tomatoes cooked down a bit more to lose more of that moisture. I do like the impact that roasting did to the pepper - definitely going to do that again!
try cutting up peppers and garlic ,maybe add some onions ,Put in blender or food processor with a cup of rice wine vinegar plus 2 Tbspn. sugar 2 Tbspn. salt blend till smooth place in pan on stove on Med. Or Med . high cook till it reduces by 1/3 then bottle or can while still hot . Enjoy Jerry T.
careful with oil in sauces if you plan on hot packing or preserving
Why? Will is spoil faster? You have me worried!
Roguejim said:
I wonder if sun dried tomatoes that you get in the jar wouldn't work better?
Great idea! Or perhaps I can "sun dry" them in the oven...