chinense Bhut Jolokia vs Bhut Assam strain vs Indian carbon

Can anyone weight on on the differences between regular Bhut jolokia and Bhut assam and Indian carbon strains, if there are any significant ones? I assume they are probably from different collection sites, originally, bit significantly different in any way? Flavour, heat, ease of growing?
I believe the regular Bhut will be more productive then the Assam Bhut. Just pretty much size and shape differences with all 3 Bhut varieties. I havent sampled the Indian Carbon as of yet, but I have with the regular Bhut and the Assam Bhut were about the same heat level, I'm almost positive the Indian Carbon would be too
pepperlover description on the indian carbon is bhut assam indian carbon, so i am guessing they are the same thing.
i grew (from pepperlover) bombay morich, dorset naga and the IC, i selected these varieties based on her descriptions, actually i think she through in the morich for free - i just love judy. i can supply pics if you wish or feel free to view my photobucket account (burningcolon).
i couldn't really tell the difference between the morich and ic but the dorset was tastier with more sweetness and heat but they were all hot and as for the productive thing, they all produce about the same amount of peppers, i believe the morich pods were larger. but when i think about it, the pods varied in size on the same plant, so yes, morich may have had some pods that were larger but some equaled the dorset and ic.
here is what i know for sure all plants die after their 2nd year.
hope i was somewhat helpful and in 2 weeks, i will be in your wonderful state....disney bound we are.
Thanks Guys. I was wondering whether the Indian carbon and Assam were the same. I`ve only had the "regular" Bhut Jolokia, whatever that might mean, plus I`ve had a few different Nagas, but not the Dorset Naga, which I believe was selected from Bangladesh seed, originally. I have plants of Assam and regular Bhuts, but I can`t see them getting pods until the end of August - started them late this year. 
Burning Colon - we are about 60 minutes down the freeway from Disneyland. I hope you have a lot of fun there. It was 85°F today and I`m sure it will be similar when you come down to Anaheim. 
Glad to help! There are lots of Nagas, some others include Naga Morich, Cornish Naga, Spanish Naga,  and I think there is a Burmese Naga as well
not to mention all the colored Naga varieties
All nagas die after 2 years??? Never heard that before?? I have a bhut jolokia Assam which is 2 years old ... Not dead yet...
I asked JungleRain some time ago what varieties he observed as doing well in hot dry weather (i.e. temperatures of 35 °C). Assam Bhut Jolokia was on the list of varieties that did well for him at his location. The rest were mostly Trinidad varieties (the Scorpions, 7pots, Moruga Red/Yellow) along with Bahamian Goat Pepper, Caribbean Red and Fatalii.
Burning Colon said:
here is what i know for sure all plants die after their 2nd year.
Chocolate Bhut here is closing in on its 3rd year from sprouting.
From what I've grown myself, I've had either a "rough" or "smooth" bhut jolokia. Both very productive. I believe the carbon version is supposed to be the "rougher" of the two.
All nagas die after 2 years??? Never heard that before?? I have a bhut jolokia Assam which is 2 years old ... Not dead yet...
sorry boys, guess i should have clarified............"my bhuts" have all died after their second year.
choc, yellow, dorset, bombay, indian carbon never passed year 2...........AGAIN, for ME!
I grew "regular" Bhuts last year and I am growing "Indian Carbons" this year early indications for me are pointing toward better production with the ICs. Time will tell. Also, while my bhuts last year put out some pretty gnarly pods...the IC looks like it will produce almost all gnarly looking pods. More twists, curves and spikes. Heat and flavor seemed pretty constant though. P-son was nice enough to send me a few IC pods and seeds last year! Thanks John!