pepperlover description on the indian carbon is bhut assam indian carbon, so i am guessing they are the same thing.
i grew (from pepperlover) bombay morich, dorset naga and the IC, i selected these varieties based on her descriptions, actually i think she through in the morich for free - i just love judy. i can supply pics if you wish or feel free to view my photobucket account (burningcolon).
i couldn't really tell the difference between the morich and ic but the dorset was tastier with more sweetness and heat but they were all hot and as for the productive thing, they all produce about the same amount of peppers, i believe the morich pods were larger. but when i think about it, the pods varied in size on the same plant, so yes, morich may have had some pods that were larger but some equaled the dorset and ic.
here is what i know for sure all plants die after their 2nd year.
hope i was somewhat helpful and in 2 weeks, i will be in your wonderful state....disney bound we are.