Presenting "My FAVORITE Pepper"... The PRIMO!!!

Hello to all my fellow members!! We have some VERY exciting news to announce to the NUCLEAR Pepper community..... We now have the 7 Pot PRIMO peppers available to the PUBLIC...Thats right, you can now order a box to try for yourself! Now, let me be the first to say this, you guys all know I grow ONLY NUCLEAR type varieties....and with that being said I have tried them ALL!! I have personally grown EVERY current "Contender" for the Worlds Hottest guys have seen the YouTube Videos im sure by now :) (YouTube search BakersPeppers) ....I have personally sampled EACH type I have grown, and let me say this ladies and gents....................This is BY FAR the ABSOLUTE BEST tasting and EXPLOSIVELY HOT pepper I have ever eaten! PERIOD!!!!! Weighing in at over 1.4+ Million S.H.U. (Most current Testing Data provided by Troy Primeaux himself!) I personally believe this pepper is HOTTER than the previous testing, and THIS is why im having some of mine tested by an independent SHU testing facility! I TRULY believe this is the "Hottest Pepper on the PLANET" with NO EQUAL!! We will soon find out.............................You can order a box RIGHT NOW and find out for yourself!! Take it from me, a guy who grows and supplies MORE "FRESH" NUCLEAR HOT Peppers to you guys, the public, than ANY other Pepper grower in the USA!! The Primo is here.........TO STAY!!!
We have the "OFFICIAL EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT" from Troy Primeaux HIMSELF to sell these case you wondered!! ;)
These are on SALE for a special LOW price this week.... I did this just to get them out to you guys in a HURRY so EVERYONE can see just how AWESOME these peppers are!!! All orders placed by 12:00 Midnight EST Sunday night will ship out on Mondays shipping day :)
$25.99 a box....our LOWEST price we have ever offered on these!!!!! Order yours today!! Shipping/Handling and Delivery Tracking # is INCLUDED for FREE!!
Roughly 30 Peppers per SFRB! :) VERY LIMITED SUPPLY THIS WEEK...
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter


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theghostpepperstore said:
I am digging these so far too! Dale, did yours seem to take a bit longer than everything else? My primos seem to be about 2 weeks behind all the other nukes. Seems worth the wait though. You got great looking pods there.
Thanks b-rye! :) Yes mine did take longer than expexted to put off pods....but i will say WELL worth the wait!! These are truly the BEST all around pepper i have EVER grown!! :)
BakersPeppers said:
Thanks b-rye! :) Yes mine did take longer than expexted to put off pods....but i will say WELL worth the wait!! These are truly the BEST all around pepper i have EVER grown!! :)
I'm overjoyed that not only is the 7 Pot Primo is your favorite pepper, but that you are selling the hell out of them.  I wish you, your family, and your business the greatest success.  Let me know if I can do anything for you brother.
Rock on,
Primo said:
I'm overjoyed that not only is the 7 Pot Primo is your favorite pepper, but that you are selling the hell out of them.  I wish you, your family, and your business the greatest success.  Let me know if I can do anything for you brother.
Rock on,
Thanks a BUNCH Primo!! We are truly honored to be growing these. I just sent you out a BIG box of them yesterday...let me know what you think of the quality when you get them my man! :) I am really convinced that these are the HOTTEST peppers on the PLANET, second to NONE!! My sample will be sent out next week to be HPLC tested and we will soon know how hot they are when grown in SUNNY FLORIDA!! :D Look out "Contender" peppers.......the PRIMO is coming............
Dale Jr
BakersPeppers said:
Thanks a BUNCH Primo!! We are truly honored to be growing these. I just sent you out a BIG box of them yesterday...let me know what you think of the quality when you get them my man! :) I am really convinced that these are the HOTTEST peppers on the PLANET, second to NONE!! My sample will be sent out next week to be HPLC tested and we will soon know how hot they are when grown in SUNNY FLORIDA!! :D Look out "Contender" peppers.......the PRIMO is coming............
Dale Jr
Really looking forward to seeing the results of the testing.
Look what I received in the mail yesterday!  A big box of 7 Pot Primo's from BakersPeppers!
Dale, these are some "Primo quality Primo's" man.  Sinister tales, and sinister heat!!
Your customers will surly be satisfied. That said, I'm happy to have you officially growing
the 7 Pot Primo.
Thanks my friend.
Creator of the 7 Pot Primo

Check out this Big Tray Of Crawfish!!
Wow that a lot of primo's.  I have 2 plants growing.  The pods are still small but they are very uniform, all with stingers.  First time growing them.
roper2008 said:
Wow that a lot of primo's.  I have 2 plants growing.  The pods are still small but they are very uniform, all with stingers.  First time growing them.
Yeah man. Indeed.  I find that the early season pods tend to be small, yet Dale had some real big ones in this batch too.  Actually, the last two years, I've been trying to selectively breed the larger fruit. Testing if it's nurture or nature. ha  Looks like it's mainly nature, but we will see. Don't want to lose the heat in favor of bigger fruit. 
Primo said:
Look what I received in the mail yesterday!  A big box of 7 Pot Primo's from BakersPeppers!
Dale, these are some "Primo quality Primo's" man.  Sinister tales, and sinister heat!!
Your customers will surly be satisfied. That said, I'm happy to have you officially growing
the 7 Pot Primo.
Thanks my friend.
Creator of the 7 Pot Primo

Check out this Big Tray Of Crawfish!!
I hope you enjoy those pods my man! Im doing EVERYTHING I can to get these AWESOME peppers you have created to the MASSES!! Like I have said TIME and TIME again, The Primo is IMHO the HOTTEST pepper on the PLANET!! When we have the results from the testing we will be posting it on my website, :) I have had some fruit off these plants as big as some of my Trinidad Scorpion Chocolates! It's going to truly be an AWESOME Fall 2013 harvesting season!
We really appreciate you PUBLICLY giving us permission to grow/sell/trade/market these Primo Peppers. Others such as Butch T have also reached out to us here at Bakers Peppers, just to give support and also let us know we are on the RIGHT track. Since pursuing this new business goal of supplying NUCLEAR hot peppers to the masses, we have had some try to "Shove us out of the game" or try to "Throw their weight around".......Well let me be the FIRST to say with the continued support of the TRUE chili head community, our goal WILL be achieved no matter WHAT these other so called "Big Boys" try to throw our way!!
Thanks again Mr. Primeaux!! With your endorsement you have just throw fuel on the FIRE!! The FIRE is spreading...............Get your Primo's at :D
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter
theghostpepperstore said:
Well said Dale! :clap:
Thanks my man! :) The quality peppers we grow/sell down here in Land O Lakes, Fl truly speak for themselves...People can have their opinions about us, but the Peppers sell themselves....We are making a name for ourselves as the TOP supplier of TOP QUALITY NUCLEAR Peppers here in the USA! :D
Now with Mr. Primeaux on board as well............LOOK OUT! :)
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter