I've bought these bags from this vendor before for work. They're about the same size as the Wally World bags (20"x13"x8") but you can buy these in bulk (65¢ ea./100, 55¢ ea./200), choose from different colors, and support a company that's not Walmart Free shipping and no tax too (unless you live in Florida ) .
I could use about 10-15 so I need to find some local peeps who need a BUNCH of larger grow bags. So who's with me?
I've bought these bags from this vendor before for work. They're about the same size as the Wally World bags (20"x13"x8") but you can buy these in bulk (65¢ ea./100, 55¢ ea./200), choose from different colors, and support a company that's not Walmart Free shipping and no tax too (unless you live in Florida ) .
I could use about 10-15 so I need to find some local peeps who need a BUNCH of larger grow bags. So who's with me?