hunan hands

Welp... Somehow it happened again... I made Alabama Jacks puree today and everything went smooth. Lol. None in the eyes, nose out anywhere else i didn't want it. When i was done i deseeded some jalapeno and Serrano chillies and made 4 pints of salsa. Any way long story short i have hunan hand like a mofo. Its not a jalapeno or Serrano burn either. Its one of those ferocious burns that wont stop. Just wondering if you guys know something i don't that's gonna help. This sucks!
Nightshade said:
I wonder if mechanics pumice soap would work?
Anything would be worth a shot. I don't happen to have any of that tho. I'm out in the country and don't have a license to go get it either. I've been repeatedly washing my hands with no avail. Tried aloe vera but it only works for a min. Better than nothing tho!
Cooking oil plus salt. Make a paste and use it to scour your hands, then wash again just with oil. Then dish soap. Then rinse with vinegar, then soap again. 
Nigel said:
Cooking oil plus salt. Make a paste and use it to scour your hands, then wash again just with oil. Then dish soap. Then rinse with vinegar, then soap again. 
Thanks Nigel! If any one knows its you! Lol... This seems to be working but I'm gonna do it again.
yea a nursury told me about gojo cleaner scrubs in there good  i use everything when its bad nail polish remover vinegar soap hot water.. but when its bad even in the shower or washing your hands it feels like its really burnt and stings with water i hate that
you gotta hold,yourself with toilet paper for the next 3 days
Threehundredc said:
yea a nursury told me about gojo cleaner scrubs in there good  i use everything when its bad nail polish remover vinegar soap hot water.. but when its bad even in the shower or washing your hands it feels like its really burnt and stings with water i hate that
you gotta hold,yourself with toilet paper for the next 3 days
Lol! That's no joke. I did what Nigel said like 3 times and had tried multiple things that didn't work before that. Had almost given up hope for the night and today. Actually its much better today to. You aren't kidding tho.. Got in the shower when i got back home and BLAM started burning again.
Try processing 15 pounds of bhuts and not realizing several had holes while in the basin. They got thrown out, but not before the water was full of capsaisin. 3 days of hunan hands. The only fun part was "feeling lonely" on the second day, but that is for another thread :silenced:
As was mentioned earlier, use nitrile gloves as a preventative.  Don't use latex as it will still allow the capsaicin to pass through.  As the old saying goes "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Justaguy said:
Try processing 15 pounds of bhuts and not realizing several had holes while in the basin. They got thrown out, but not before the water was full of capsaisin. 3 days of hunan hands. The only fun part was "feeling lonely" on the second day, but that is for another thread :silenced:
for this the one-fingered-nitril-glove was invented :D
I've never had the burning hands but, always wind-up touching my eyes or other sensitive areas.  Now, I wash my hands several times with dishwashing liquid, then I scrub them again with dishwashing liquid, using one of those fingernail brushes.  I can tell the the capsaicin is coming off my hands, with the scrubbing, because it starts kinda atomizing/misting and causes me to start coughing and burning my eyes.  Using the brush with the hand cream, salt, oil, Gojo and whatever concoctions would probably speed-up the recovery.
Habaneros are the hottest peppers I fool with.  I will try to remember the gloves when fooling with these superhots that I'm growing now.    