superhots Coheed196`s Experimental Superhot

As it`s coheed week on Lunatics anonymous, we continue with a really special pepper. This is a cross that Vincent has been working on. He very kindly sent it for me to try and review, which is quite an honour. I knew nothing about the pepper`s origins prior to filming this, but Vincent told me today that the mother was a Chocolate Bhut. I do not know anything more.
Ok, maybe I know this. It is a truly amazing pepper. Without doubt the best tasting chocolate/brown pod I`ve ever eaten. Bar none. The flavour is brilliant. Sweet, citrus acidity, fruity, then really damn hot. I honestly think I can detect notes of cocoa in there, too. It`s rich and earthy, but in a really balanced way, unlike many other super hot  pods that are chocolate/brown, IMHO. I`d put it just about in the superhot league, too. About as hot as a black naga I ate last week. It is no slouch in the heat department at all. 
Vincent, you have a big-time winner on your hands!


Top picture is obviously more true colors as it was taken outside
Top notch review from a top notch reviewer. Pepper sounds like it's up and running in the ranks of the superhot but good tasting ranks. I still haven't explored eating pods yet. I would absolutely love to try it in a powder though.
Good job Coheed.
Nigel you should also side line from teaching golf to teaching soldiers to contain and control their pain tolerances. It is obvious you can control yours. Wow.
Tinben said:
Top notch review from a top notch reviewer. Pepper sounds like it's up and running in the ranks of the superhot but good tasting ranks. I still haven't explored eating pods yet. I would absolutely love to try it in a powder though.
Good job Coheed.
Nigel you should also side line from teaching golf to teaching soldiers to contain and control their pain tolerances. It is obvious you can control yours. Wow.
You are too kind. Thank you.
My brother was a soldier for 23 years. They are A LOT tougher than I am. Not even the same ballpark. Nice idea though!
Finally got to watch it nigel, great job as always man. And hey, I didn't say it wasn't hot I said it wouldn't destroy you like the UBSC lol. Now if you do the Butch T X Yellow Scorpion then you better strap yourself in haha.

Seriously though, it makes me so happy to hear the great things you said about my humble attempt at cross breeding.
coheed196 said:
Finally got to watch it nigel, great job as always man. And hey, I didn't say it wasn't hot I said it wouldn't destroy you like the UBSC lol. Now if you do the Butch T X Yellow Scorpion then you better strap yourself in haha.

Seriously though, it makes me so happy to hear the great things you said about my humble attempt at cross breeding.
I meant every word, I really did. Great pepper! 
Very good looking pepper from the looks of it it looks like a brown Dorset naga maybe that's the other parent glad to hear there is a balanced brown super so far the black nag a got my vote as best of the brown supers but they can get a bit strong on floral green taste but the burn and after taste I do like on them be cool to see this pepper in the future as far as the review I just love to hear what Nigel Carter has to say about any pepper you are a bench mark in the pod review world Man ! If I come up with something cool my have to ship it to Cali for Grading by Doc Carter'
Meant to say it may be Choc bhut x Dorset nag a just a guess ↑↑↑
coheed196 said:
No Naga in that cross
Let's keep guessing black stinger habanero x chocolate bhut
jolokia ? Chocolate habanero x Choc bhut ? LoL nice cross coheed you don't have to reveal your secret glad that thru Nigel you got to share it with us, can you tell us how far you are with this F2 ? F3 .?
Awesome Nigel. Love your reviews! I'd still love to send you some pods or powders to try out! Let me know!

@ Vincent, awesome job on the cross buddy!