• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

Fall Sauce making 2014; time to make the Sauces :)

It's that time of year to start making all the goodies that make for a great tasting Holiday Season here around the, well New, launch Pad. That means making:
Flaming Pumpkin
Pumpkin Chutney
Holidaze Sauce
Boutbon Fatalii Apple Butter

Starting with Flaming Pumpkin which will get a 45 day ferment and starts like this:


(That's 3 pounds of Douglahs with that Pumpkin)

Doing it a little different this year. Last year it was made with a mix of super hots and Habaneros. This year it's going to be a Douglah sauce.

Stay tuned there's more to come.
RocketMan said:
I use it as a glaze the last hour in the smoker and it comes out with the nicest bark you've ever tasted.  Then have a bit on the side at the table for a dipping sauce. Well unless your Wheebz, then you just sit down with 3/4 of a turkey during the game and just rip, dip and devour :)
Oh, I also like it with on a PB&BFAB Sammie
Sounds like some great things to do with it! :drooling: :drooling: :drooling:
I made some habanero-spiced applesauce with onions in it last year. It was a great accompaniment to braised pork, but I bet the spiced apple butter has a more developed flavor.
Flaming Pumpkin

There's really only 1 band to listen to while making this one :)

We'll, I tried to get all 3 pounds of peppers on the plate but I'm going to need a bigger plate to do that. Man, when I had these all chopped up and ready to go into the jar what a great smell these fresh pods had! Love it. So, here's the first 2 pounds:


And the fermentation jar.


This will run for 45 days.
Tonight it's Bourbon Fatalii Apple Butter making time. For those that want to make a batch for themselves I have one piece of advice; the ratio is 2:1.
Now, who can tell me what the ratio is between?
;) have fun!
RocketMan said:
Tonight it's Bourbon Fatalii Apple Butter making time. For those that want to make a batch for themselves I have one piece of advice; the ratio is 2:1.
Now, who can tell me what the ratio is between?
;) have fun!
Bourbon consumed to bourbon in recipe?
Ok, 8 pounds of Fuji Apples, 6 Fataliis, 2 cups of Bourbon and 2 cups of Rice vinegar go into the pot.


Bring it to a boil for 10 minutes then reduce to a simmer for 30 minutes. More to come so stay tuned you Chiliheads you.
So, Sawyer, if the recipe gets 2 cups, how much for the Chief? ;)

Part 2
Place the pot next to the Food Processor next another clean pot

and start processing

To that add 4 cups of sugar, white, brown or a combination ( I like 2 of each), 2 tsp Cinnamon, 1 tsp Ground Cloves and 1 tsp Ground Allspice, grated peel and juice of 2 lemons then simmer for another 30 minutes

Man does it smell good in here :)