I've a lilttle olive tree that doesn't want to grow. This year i could harvest some olives. If you haven't ever tasted a fresh raw olive don't: it's one of the worst things you can eat!
The idea is to use:
I didn't remember how much i've bathed them, i search the net and and i hope that this is sufficent. At least if this will be a fail i'll track here.
The plan is to bathe olives changing water everyday, then bottle them with a solution of salt-water. I've just bottled. I think i should wait at least 2 months.
My harvest in 7th november:
I harvested them during the night... Probably neighbours thougth me mad...
I discarded if there were imperfections: better to use only perfect ones. I suppose to have discarded around 10%.
Here the tricky part: i had some remembrances that you need 30 or 45 days with only water. Less with salted water. A recipe in the net said you need 10 days with salted water... I cured them for 18... I hope it will suffice because the room has not been heathened...
You need to cover them on a 10% salt water solution. Once per day you must change water using this solution.
Here a pic after some days, after many hours of the same solution:
Water at some point get darker than this.
After 18 days (today):
How i messed up with garlic:
I chopped garlic:
Then i put in a jar with salt:
After a week i wasn't satisfied because i needed them dried up, so i put them in a bowl. See later pic.
Next time probably i'll use only the bowl and maybe not salt...
1 is a 7pod, the rest trinidad scorpions (maybe hybrids, some pods were ok as shape, not these)
I cut and dried them well (using ventilated owen at 40°C and an hot room), see later pic.
The last water!
For the last solution for the salamoia (vinegary salty) you need to boil it then put more or less 80-90g of cooking salt per liter... Then wait for it to become cold. I boiled 2 liters and was enough.
Ingredients prepared!
I noticed some other faulted olives so i discarded them...
Ok, so i proceded to bottle.Only one jar with all ingredients, all with fennel seeds, only one without garlic, only the biggest 2 with hot peppers...
The jar with all:
I was forgetting this!!!
Olives must not stay on air!!!
Here all jars together:
Ok, now cross fingers and wait!!!
I was thinking to use raisins if too bitter...
I'll up this when it's the case...
For the moment i can use some garlic spiced salt!xD

The idea is to use:
- olives (really?)
- fennel seeds (sadly i couldn't got some from a wild local species wich is extremely tasty, i bought some on a market)
- oreagno (i had little so i used only for 1 jar, [sarcasm]obviously i was not unprepared but willing to experiment different combinations![/sarcasm]
- garlic (because it's garlic)
- bay luarel leaves (because my uncle said that)
- hot peppers (otherwise i wouldn't post that here and surely would be worse)
I didn't remember how much i've bathed them, i search the net and and i hope that this is sufficent. At least if this will be a fail i'll track here.
The plan is to bathe olives changing water everyday, then bottle them with a solution of salt-water. I've just bottled. I think i should wait at least 2 months.
My harvest in 7th november:

I harvested them during the night... Probably neighbours thougth me mad...
I discarded if there were imperfections: better to use only perfect ones. I suppose to have discarded around 10%.
Here the tricky part: i had some remembrances that you need 30 or 45 days with only water. Less with salted water. A recipe in the net said you need 10 days with salted water... I cured them for 18... I hope it will suffice because the room has not been heathened...
You need to cover them on a 10% salt water solution. Once per day you must change water using this solution.
Here a pic after some days, after many hours of the same solution:
Water at some point get darker than this.
After 18 days (today):

How i messed up with garlic:
I chopped garlic:

Then i put in a jar with salt:
After a week i wasn't satisfied because i needed them dried up, so i put them in a bowl. See later pic.
Next time probably i'll use only the bowl and maybe not salt...
1 is a 7pod, the rest trinidad scorpions (maybe hybrids, some pods were ok as shape, not these)
I cut and dried them well (using ventilated owen at 40°C and an hot room), see later pic.
The last water!
For the last solution for the salamoia (vinegary salty) you need to boil it then put more or less 80-90g of cooking salt per liter... Then wait for it to become cold. I boiled 2 liters and was enough.
Ingredients prepared!

I noticed some other faulted olives so i discarded them...
Ok, so i proceded to bottle.Only one jar with all ingredients, all with fennel seeds, only one without garlic, only the biggest 2 with hot peppers...
The jar with all:

I was forgetting this!!!

Olives must not stay on air!!!
Here all jars together:

Ok, now cross fingers and wait!!!
I was thinking to use raisins if too bitter...
I'll up this when it's the case...
For the moment i can use some garlic spiced salt!xD