seeds-germination Manzano germination issue

I have herd that manzanos can be difficult to germinate. I am finding this statement to be true. I have planted roughly 10 so far with no success. I have tried planting them as one would any other seed and I have even soaked them overnight with no better results. The seed should be viable as I removed them from the fruit myself. My rocotos are another story, they have done fine so far.  Is there anything else I can or should be doing to get these puppies to pop? 
I had considered a longer soak because of how hard the seeds are, guess I should have not 2nd guessed myself. Will have to give that a try,
I have very little germination problems,in general.
I get stuck shells from some seeds though.
To me Fresh seeds are the secret in general.

You need to have BLACK seeds from fresh pods.
Ya some brown/black ones might sprout.

I find seeds from market pods less viable.
Pods were picked really green,you got them looking ripe.
I found seeds from commercial pods are more hassle.
Pods from plant ripened pods are different than a lot of other stuff.

See my SASBE post for Manzano seeds...
Manzanos are no more difficult than anything else to germinate. I've had them take 10-20 days, but they germinate.....patience may be your problem.
I've had some pop in 14 days with no helmet heads. Didn't soak and put them in jiffys, but I did cook a few since my heat source was the T5HO ballast LOL.

I've had some manzanos germinate after about 2 months. I thought they were duds so i planted some other type of seeds on top. Both kinds came up around the same time
Tecolote said:
I've had some manzanos germinate after about 2 months. I thought they were duds so i planted some other type of seeds on top. Both kinds came up around the same time
I have considered that, and if that be the case, I am going to have quite a few manzanos.
My rocotos are doing fairly well. I have one that sprouted tricoty and is growing with leaves very compacted. Leaving no stones unturned, I may try scarification.
I got my manzanos in the dirt (coco) on jan 13th along with two other types of pubescens (roccoto red and alberto's roccoto). All of the others are out (and some of them have true leaves), while none of the manzanos sprowted (6 seeds).
5/6 of my pubes sprouted with a two week period inside a coffee filter. Planted them into cups as soon as they germed.
Fresh is best !!! And like smokemaster said. Blackest. Seed. I have heard some folks making compost tea and soaking it or 24*. I've had no issues. Let me know if you want me to send you plants
OK, Its not final yet, but the store bought manzano theory seems to hold some water. I have had none of my store bought manzanos produce viable seed.
But, I now have 2 orange manzanos that have sprouted from seed obtained from Karl and his monster seed giveaway. I will take the remaining seed from the store bought manzanos and attempt to get any of all of then to germinate
As with ANY seeds fresh is better.
Store bought pods are picked green.
If you need Manzano seeds E Mail me.
I have a lot to SASBE.
See my post...they are unsorted yellow,orange or orange/yellow pods seeds.