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fermenting Ferment: Pomegranate juice/blood orange with choc & red hots

made up a new one today:

220g red hots (7 pod brain strain, moruga scorpion, bishop's hat, red fatali)
100g chocolate hots (choc. habanero, choc. devil's tongue)
2 pomegranates, juiced
2 blood oranges, most of pith removed & chopped
2 carrots, peeled & shredded
1 medium/large sweet potato, peeled & shredded (didn't quite use the whole thing, but most of it)
1 sweet onion, peeled & thinly sliced
1 head garlic, peeled & smashed
loaded up into a half gallon jar, filled to the shoulder with 5.4% brine, capped. will probably let it go for around 30 days.
30 days, might need to extend that a bit with all those sugars in there. Pomigranet, Blood Orange (love them), Carrots and Sweet Potato... Lots of sugars in there. I'd probably give it 90 days to do its thing, but JMHO. Sounds pretty dang good.

Following :)
RocketMan said:
30 days, might need to extend that a bit with all those sugars in there. Pomigranet, Blood Orange (love them), Carrots and Sweet Potato... Lots of sugars in there. I'd probably give it 90 days to do its thing, but JMHO. Sounds pretty dang good.

Following :)
thanks RM, Cannon Fire gave me the idea for using the blood orange. indeed, it may need longer than 30 days, I'll keep an eye on it and see how it looks/tastes/pH check at that point.
it's already "risen" in the fermenting jar, going pretty good for day 1.  :dance:
today when I checked on the sauce, there was a decent amount of kahm yeast. it fermented very quickly in the first 10 days and then calmed down substantially. pH checked out at 3.6, so I decided to process it today. the micros ripped through the sugars in this ferment and despite the relatively short duration, i think it was ready to be bottled, it can age in there.
started it Jan 19th, ended today, three weeks total.
boiled (covered) for 20 mins, pureed, boiled (covered) for 15 mins, pureed, simmered (partially covered) for 15 mins @ 195, bottled, inverted.
it's very tasty, really hot and not quite as red as I was expecting. looking forward to tasting this one as it ages!
had this with some pizza tonight. ate maybe a dime sized pool of it with 4 pieces of pizza. mouth was on fire for a good 5-10 minutes after eating.
after doing 4 fermented sauces, there's definitely a consistent flavor among them, and the varying ingredients do impart their flavors, although differently than you expect as the ferment takes out most of the discernible sugars. not a bad thing at all, but i think the next few will be non-fermented to learn more about the differences.