seeds Germination Troubles

Hello All,
This is my first attempt at trying to grow anything (ever), so why not hot peppers? I know it is a tad late to start, but I have a little over a month until last frost (zone 5A, just north of Omaha, NE). To start, I ordered some seeds from PepperLover -- Chocolate Hab and Fatali (got some Douglah and Red/Yellow Bhut Jolokia as freebies) -- and some regular Habs from a nursery.
My initial attempt at germinating has me worried. To the success of many others here, I am trying the paper towel and little plastic party/jello shot cups with lids. This started on Sunday. I've got 6 cups with ~8 seeds in each on a heat mat and I have noticed that they dry out extremely easily. For example, I left the lids off for ~2 hours yesterday after re-moistening and noticed many of the paper towels were bone-dry. Lids on, same issue, just condensation collects on the top. This is troublesome because I can't check on them while at work or sleeping... So my seeds have to practically be swimming so they can get through the work day/night otherwise the paper towel will dry.
Last night I readied up my 36 slot propagator (with lid and lower tray for bottom watering) with some Jiffy Seed Starting Mix. I'm thinking about throwing my above seeds and many remainders (2~3 per chamber) in this in hopes that the starting mix will retain moisture better. I kind of like this idea as the seedlings will be going here anyways. Saves me the work of transferring later with the risk of damaging them once they pop.
I've read several accounts that after the first dry-out like this and the seeds are usually shot. Hopefully my luck might be different. Do you have any advice to help me along? Should I keep them in the cups w/ lids and do something different? Should I transfer to the starting mix? My house is usually 70°F while at home and 60°F while away. While I don't have a thermostat on the heating mat, if it can be trusted, then the seeds are usually between 70° and 90°F.
Any input is appreciated!
I personally never liked the bag method but many do. Id replant fresh seed in seed starter mix or jiffy pucks. Keep in mind either of these will dry out quickly as well. I ran a heat mat with no thermostat and my soil easily hit 100 so just keep an eye on this.
Moist and warm does the trick and good luck
I don't ever use the paper towel zip lock method ... To me the less handling the better ... I would plant straight into some good quality seed raising mix or medium of your choice (those oasis horticubes look good but unfortunately not organic for me although I wonder if using plastic containers is just as inorganic anyway) ... And place on heat mat ... Personally I would discard the other method ... But each to there own .. There is more then 1 way to skin a cat !!,
You are not sealing the seeds with the moisture and the water evaporates.
Try the zip lock bags and lock them.
Zip lock bags are pretty fool-resistant.
I use 4" round pots filled with  moistened soiless mix (the 4" pot gives roots a nice deep start), sow 6-10 seeds, cover with a baggie stretched over and onto heat mat. This has worked great for me year after year.
I just started some seeds in plastic cups with lids, using makeup pads. I heard they hold moisture well. I've had them on a heat mat for about 5 to 6 days now, and nothing has sprouted either. Also, I crack the lids every day for an hour or two, just to make sure they don't rot or mold up. Not sure how long till you should see some roots sprouting though.