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pod-i.d. This is supposed to be a 7 pot Brain Strain Red plant from Baker's. UPDATE: Pod is ripe.

Hi all.
I'm looking for some kind of confirmation on this plant. I had ordered some live plants from Baker's Peppers awhile back and just recently they started to flower and produce pods. I've been a first time grower so these plants had a rough growing phase with some rough soil and some serious white fly issues (as pictured), but they have managed.
My only problem is that the pods that have started growing don't seem to look the shape of 7 pot brain strain red peppers. Do they change shape as they ripen? Just a little curious. Here's a picture.
I can confirm and attest that that is not a seven pot brain strain. That vendor has serious issues with consistency. And he will usually blame the grower. I suggest that you complaint and demand for your money
I had issues with him two years ago he tried selling me Yellow sevens and tried to pass him off for Brain strain yellow
He will lie he will lag on his apologies and he will also accuse you. And when he offers to correct the situation he will take forever to do it. So I would suggest not to get replacements but to get your money back. And enjoy what you have
He will also brag about how many satisfied customers he has but not care of the ones that are unsatisfied. And he will show you off all his awards
Buying from him IMO is like buying from eBay
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
I can confirm and attest that that is not a seven pot brain strain. That vendor has serious issues with consistency. And he will usually blame the grower. I suggest that you complaint and demand for your money
I had issues with him two years ago he tried selling me Yellow sevens and tried to pass him off for Brain strain yellow
He will lie he will lag on his apologies and he will also accuse you. And when he offers to correct the situation he will take forever to do it. So I would suggest not to get replacements but to get your money back. And enjoy what you have
He will also brag about how many satisfied customers he has but not care of the ones that are unsatisfied. And he will show you off all his awards
Buying from him IMO is like buying from eBay
I read the big vendor vault thread last year about his business and the people complaining. He eventually replied and seemed to try to make amends with the dissatisfied customers, so I proceeded to order from him. Mailing live plants and being within 3 hours close to him out of the country (Florida), I had pretty high confidence in my order. It took FOREVER to get my order and after 3+ e-mails noting concern. Even after all that if my product was at least what I had ordered I would be okay with it. But i'm a first time grower and it has been a year of growing these plants in the harsh conditions of south Florida and i'm going to find out now that they aren't even the variety of plant I ordered? Well that's a crock. I have 2 more plants from the same order that are just starting to flower. They are "supposed" to be a Trinidad Moruga blend and a Trinidad chocolate. 
If they aren't brain strain what could they be? They look bigger like maybe bhut jolokia. The way my luck is going with these plants it's a freakin jalapeno  :confused:
Unfortunately, Kwest, I can confirm that KingDenniz is right, that sure as hell is not a Brain Strain shape at all. It's reasonably close to a Bhut Jolokia shape, but a Brain Strain... uh, no.
Much like KingDenniz, I had a similar experience with BakersPeppers where I bought over $250 in fresh peppers, and two numbers in my address got transposed, despite confirming that I indeed sent the correct address to him prior to shipping. He complained that the mistake was mine, despite confirming he received and read the messages I sent to him with the correct address multiple times. He insisted I figure out a way to remedy the situation in a very condescending and accusatory tone, as if it was my fault the numbers got transposed. He refused to send out another, equivalent, order until shell out an extra $125 just for him to ship "at cost" for him, and then proceeded to give me a hard time when the original order returned to him filled with rotted peppers, under the impression it was the 2nd order that had returned to him first after I had already told him I received the 2nd order. Needless to say, I was an extremely unsatisfied customer. He can talk all he wants about being certified, inspected, registered, and all that with the state of Florida, and say he's a 3rd generation grower, but from reading stuff like this, and all the complaints, he's burned A LOT of bridges, too many to be effective on here. Not to mention, his "Spring Sale" only covers a tiny sliver of the items on his website, leaving the items that most people want (fresh & dehydrated pods, powders, seeds, etc.) at nearly double the price of what others are selling here on the site. Then there was the matter of him supposedly burning his Reaper plants, only to begin selling Reaper-based products shortly thereafter, leaving us wondering whether he had in fact burned them, or just yanking our collective chains...
And that's the reason he has railed against other sellers on this very site from time to time, for no other reason than because they're offering the same stuff (and often a better quality of them) at a lower price. He's acting as if it's their fault he's made some not so good business decisions, when the only thing they're guilty of is (as I just mentioned) offering the same stuff at better prices, and offering said items with vastly superior customer service. I've dealt with several other vendors, who I don't think I need to name, and in the rare instance something happened, within a day, a replacement order was shipped for free. No mess, no fuss, just like that. That's how you win customers.
Sorry for my mini rant, but I'm just tired of a bad vendor on here continually screwing customers over. I have no issue with an honest mistake from time to time, but in the case of Bakers, this has been a consistent pattern of behavior for him, and for whatever good customer service experiences he's given over the years, the bad ones far outweigh them.
Heck NO that's a "Bakers Pepper" not a Brain Strain by Far. You need to post in the Vendors Section and let everyone know that Dale is at it again. He burned me around Christmas Time on a pepper order. He is the main reason that I am going all out this year and growing big to give it all away for FREE to anyone who buys from anybody but BAKERS PEPPERS. Heck he couldn't even give you a round pepper.......LOL

elcap1999 said:
Unfortunately, Kwest, I can confirm that KingDenniz is right, that sure as hell is not a Brain Strain shape at all. It's reasonably close to a Bhut Jolokia shape, but a Brain Strain... uh, no.
Much like KingDenniz, I had a similar experience with BakersPeppers where I bought over $250 in fresh peppers, and two numbers in my address got transposed, despite confirming that I indeed sent the correct address to him prior to shipping. He complained that the mistake was mine, despite confirming he received and read the messages I sent to him with the correct address multiple times. He insisted I figure out a way to remedy the situation in a very condescending and accusatory tone, as if it was my fault the numbers got transposed. He refused to send out another, equivalent, order until shell out an extra $125 just for him to ship "at cost" for him, and then proceeded to give me a hard time when the original order returned to him filled with rotted peppers, under the impression it was the 2nd order that had returned to him first after I had already told him I received the 2nd order. Needless to say, I was an extremely unsatisfied customer. He can talk all he wants about being certified, inspected, registered, and all that with the state of Florida, and say he's a 3rd generation grower, but from reading stuff like this, and all the complaints, he's burned A LOT of bridges, too many to be effective on here. Not to mention, his "Spring Sale" only covers a tiny sliver of the items on his website, leaving the items that most people want (fresh & dehydrated pods, powders, seeds, etc.) at nearly double the price of what others are selling here on the site. Then there was the matter of him supposedly burning his Reaper plants, only to begin selling Reaper-based products shortly thereafter, leaving us wondering whether he had in fact burned them, or just yanking our collective chains...
And that's the reason he has railed against other sellers on this very site from time to time, for no other reason than because they're offering the same stuff (and often a better quality of them) at a lower price. He's acting as if it's their fault he's made some not so good business decisions, when the only thing they're guilty of is (as I just mentioned) offering the same stuff at better prices, and offering said items with vastly superior customer service. I've dealt with several other vendors, who I don't think I need to name, and in the rare instance something happened, within a day, a replacement order was shipped for free. No mess, no fuss, just like that. That's how you win customers.
Sorry for my mini rant, but I'm just tired of a bad vendor on here continually screwing customers over. I have no issue with an honest mistake from time to time, but in the case of Bakers, this has been a consistent pattern of behavior for him, and for whatever good customer service experiences he's given over the years, the bad ones far outweigh them.
Thank you for taking the time to reply with much detail. Again, I am a first time grower and was so proud when the plants started flowering after the harsh growing conditions and the different soil types i've tried. But to find out that they aren't the pepper variety that I had purchased is pretty disappointing. And it has been over a year. I don't know if I have it in me to request a full refund since it was still a pretty small amount, but maybe I should try requesting some seeds or something.
"86 that last, didn't see the part where you mentioned about the whiteflies"
Yes if there is one thing that BakersPeppers cannot be blamed for from the image, it is the white fly. From the research that I have done white fly can be pretty complicated. I live on a lake in south Florida and with a chlorinated pool. White fly is a massive problem from flowers to giant palm trees and everything with my neighborhood and a load of the surrounding areas. It takes some work but i've seem to learn to control the white fly problem enough so that the plants can still grow at a decent rate.

Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Heck NO that's a "Bakers Pepper" not a Brain Strain by Far. You need to post in the Vendors Section and let everyone know that Dale is at it again. He burned me around Christmas Time on a pepper order. He is the main reason that I am going all out this year and growing big to give it all away for FREE to anyone who buys from anybody but BAKERS PEPPERS. Heck he couldn't even give you a round pepper.......LOL

[SIZE=12.222222328186035px]Yeah i'm not sure what to do exactly. My plan was to order from him again if things went smoothly. I grow from seed but I also like growing from live seedlings and he's the only one near me that "offers" it. Not sure whether to ask for a refund, ask for some more plants/seeds, or to try to find a different vendor. He only sells live plants a couple months out of the year and it's actually that time again.[/SIZE]
Kwest13 said:
Thank you for taking the time to reply with much detail. Again, I am a first time grower and was so proud when the plants started flowering after the harsh growing conditions and the different soil types i've tried. But to find out that they aren't the pepper variety that I had purchased is pretty disappointing. And it has been over a year. I don't know if I have it in me to request a full refund since it was still a pretty small amount, but maybe I should try requesting some seeds or something.
"86 that last, didn't see the part where you mentioned about the whiteflies"
Yes if there is one thing that BakersPeppers cannot be blamed for from the image, it is the white fly. From the research that I have done white fly can be pretty complicated. I live on a lake in south Florida and with a chlorinated pool. White fly is a massive problem from flowers to giant palm trees and everything with my neighborhood and a load of the surrounding areas. It takes some work but i've seem to learn to control the white fly problem enough so that the plants can still grow at a decent rate.
I live here in sunny South Florida as well, and just saw whiteflies on two of my plants, so I sprayed them thoroughly with the Organicide that I got originally for the broad mites I got. I'm surmising that these were missed because they were on the lowest leaves of the plants, the ones nearest to the soil, and there were several ants there as well, probably the ones that brought them there. I made sure to check my other plants' lower leaves as well, and the two plants I saw them on were the only ones. Still, I'm going to be vigilant about it since broad mites are bad enough, but whiteflies in tandem is going o be a problem if both survive somehow...
Still, it wouldn't hurt to at least ask Bakers for a refund/relacement/seeds or whatever else, and see where he goes. If he does give you something in return, cool, if not... well, then I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he lost another customer. If he doesn't then I'd be more than willing to part with some of my seeds here (I do have some red Brain Strain seeds and these are from a reputable dealer on here that's had outstanding customer service)
Scoville DeVille said:
So many threads like this, it makes me sick.

"Why doesn't this look like what I ordered?"

Let me just say, Baker's and me will never sit down for a beer.
Well I apologize for making a "beating a dead horse" thread. I'm a first time grower and i've ordered from other vendors without a problem. Hell, i've ordered from places of business for all sorts of things non-growing related and never had this type of problem.
Kwest13 said:
Well I apologize for making a "beating a dead horse" thread. I'm a first time grower and i've ordered from other vendors without a problem. Hell, i've ordered from places of business for all sorts of things non-growing related and never had this type of problem.
Dude. You need to post this! Much better to say something because this is a problem YOU are having.

The part that makes sick [pissed off] is Dale is still up to his same old shit.

I did not mean to insinuate that your thread made me sick... Heck no.

We have just seen a lot of saddened people 10 months after a Baker's purchase asking the same question as you and it's just not right. Or fair.
Jamison said:
What a shame.  Doesn't even look C. Chinense to me at all.  KWest,  if you need some seeds just PM me and I'll gladly send you a nice variety.  It would be my pleasure.
Yeah i'm not sure. Hopefully it is at least in the bhut jolokia family and has a kick to it. I will be looking forward to the other 2 plant "varieties" that I ordered from Bakers when they start dropping pods.
Thanks for the offer in donating to me. Appreciate it.