• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

RocketMan's Skunk Works, X-15 experimental sauce

Deep inside the secret facility at The Launch Pad is RocketMan's Skunk Works. This is where new sauce development is conducted and strange and wonderful flavors combine with spicy Hot Peppers to become an explosion, somewhere between an 8 pound Cannon and a Nuclear Warhead on your tongue. Let's take a look at what's currently going on :)

Starting off is a Jamaican Hot Sauce that is about half way through its fermentation. It includes some very interesting ingredients like Golden Raisins.


Next to that is The Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce (formerly known as Haba-Peno), Yum!


This picture proves that even The RocketMan isn't free from getting a Kahm Yeast ;)

Ground Zero next, this is a sauce made from a blend of peppers that are as hot as a Nuclear Explosion including Trinidad Scorpions and Bhut Jolokias.


I love that color!

Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce, Smoked. This is the same sauce but the Peppers have been given 4 hours smoke over Apple wood


And last of the sauces fermenting is the Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce, Bacon. Where the great taste of Applewood Smoked Bacon has been infused into the original sauce.


Next up is some new spice blend that will come under the heading of The Swashbuckler's Spice Company. First up is Bucaneer



This is a Smoked Jalapeño Powder currently under testing.


I know it's not 10 yet but I need a bump for Part II where we go behind the curtain and see what top secret development is in the works.

Stay tuned campers ;)
As we slip through the curtain wall into the deepest reaches of the Skunk Works remember that security is the most technically advanced available here and they shoot first then ask questions. Stay silent and stay vigilant, sound off if you spot security then it's everyone for themselves. Find an exit and get to the Rally Point. Let's roll.










Everyone here?

Good, well as you can see RocketMan's security is top notch we only just made it out of there. And from the brief look we had something incredibly tasty will soon be coming up for testing. That's all for now. Let's get out if here now before we're discovered again.

texas blues said:
I like that word.
And Expilsion.
And I like to be liking the hotness all up in they 'thang mang.
RM Skunkworks.
Gal-Dern Auto-correct, works when I don't want it to and leaves me hanging when I need it!

Guess I need to get my IEye recalibrated for my IPhone :)
How cool RM.... Its hard for me to decide which is more impressive...the fermented gourmet sauce or  label.
I have no doubt that'll be a gift the hot sauce loving wedding guests will always remember.....especially the morning after !!
Looking Good, RM! 
Can't wait to see pics from the actual wedding!  Do you have someone designated to taking video of people tasting the sauce?   You know we're a bunch of pic/video gluttons....  :)  
Nice job on that sauce.....makes for a nice little gift......for that special burn. :mouthonfire: