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sharre-a-recipe Easy Salsa

Tomatoes on sale at store and just recieved some yellow morugas from elcap1999, so thought it be a good time to replenish the salsa stock.
7-7.5 lbs of tomatoes (i used roma)--pulsed in food processor/or diced
1/4 cup salt
juice of 2 limes
1 red onion--diced
1 yellow onion---diced
5 pobalanos--seeded, stemed and diced
5 green bell peppers--seeded, stemed and diced
20 Jalapenos--seeded, stemed and diced
2 cans of corn (optional)
2 cans black beans (optional)
=PH of 3.6

Poblano and bell

jalapenos and corn

tomaotes pulsed in food processor/salt/lime

everybody in the pool

Heat salsa to boiling and kill the heat
In clean sanitized jars fill some heat of your choice....
mine: first three have one fresh yellow moruga each, then 1 dried red bhut, and 1 dried brown bhut.

Fill with salsa mixture and water bath accordingly

Finished will be chunky style salsa with some crunch

beerbreath81 said:
Tomatoes on sale at store and just recieved some yellow morugas from elcap1999, so thought it be a good time to replenish the salsa stock.
7-7.5 lbs of tomatoes (i used roma)--pulsed in food processor/or diced
1/4 cup salt
juice of 2 limes
1 red onion--diced
1 yellow onion---diced
5 pobalanos--seeded, stemed and diced
5 green bell peppers--seeded, stemed and diced
20 Jalapenos--seeded, stemed and diced
2 cans of corn (optional)
2 cans black beans (optional)
=PH of 3.6
Poblano and bell
jalapenos and corn
tomaotes pulsed in food processor/salt/lime
everybody in the pool
Heat salsa to boiling and kill the heat
In clean sanitized jars fill some heat of your choice....
mine: first three have one yellow moruga each, then red bhut, and brown bhut.
Fill with salsa mixture and water bath accordingly
Finished will be chunky style salsa with some crunch
i like the knife :)
dash 2 said:
     Smart way to turn one batch into a bunch with different pepper flavors and heat levels. My wife will really appreciate this. (I will, too!) Thanks for posting.
My thinking exactly, and yes my wife likes it tomato sauce mild so removing the seeds from the jalapenos is a must for her
savingprivaterye said:
i like the knife :)
One of my favorites
Buzz said:
Ditto.... and cilantro
I actually had a bunch of cilantro with plans to use but decided against it last minute. In hindsight i think adding a couple pinches to the jars like I did the peppers would have been the way to go.
Great recipe beerbreath! With the amount of tomato plants I have growing for my wife I need to find ways to use them, and this is a great way for some of them (with mild peppers for her though lol). Any idea on shelf life after water bath canning? 
MeatHead1313 said:
Great recipe beerbreath! With the amount of tomato plants I have growing for my wife I need to find ways to use them, and this is a great way for some of them (with mild peppers for her though lol). Any idea on shelf life after water bath canning? 
I'd say bout a year and a half...never lasts that long tho :D
I made this tonight and even the wife liked it!   I made a slight adjustment to recipe byroasting the jalapeno's on grill blackening them to add a little roasted flavor.  I also added some fresh cilantro and parsley as well.
Two thumbs up!   :cheers:
Buzzman19 said:
I made this tonight and even the wife liked it!   I made a slight adjustment to recipe byroasting the jalapeno's on grill blackening them to add a little roasted flavor.  I also added some fresh cilantro and parsley as well.
Two thumbs up!   :cheers:
Great Idea with the roasting!! Glad you both liked it. :dance:
It will get better with a little time in the jar too!!