Nice Fat Manzano Bush

So in 2012 I gave my landscaper a Manzano because he told me they are his favorite pepper.
He has an office/shop across the street from my house. I told him that if he planted it there I would help take care of it along with my plants.
Last year I got big in to AACT and started foliar feeding my plants with it. Well when I would hit my front yard, naturally I would cross the street and get the manzano as well.
This is in a condo/duplex complex where everybody has access lol. The fun part is that we never told anyone what we were doing and now we have a Monster plant taking over and it is becoming obvious. At the tippy top of the few branches sticking up its about 7' and it is got to be at least 8' wide. Thought it was a fun little story I would share
This is today 5/6/2014​
And did I mention this sucker is all organic?​
This is my buddy Shaun the landscaper on 4/28, I'd say he is about 5'11"​
Blowin it up with one of my all time favorite plants, nice. Very nice.
That there is something to be proud of.
i'll be putting my first overwinter container manzano in the ground this week.
The manzano doesn't get hit as hard by the cold and made it through the winter without turning in to a skeleton. And now its only May and we have a nice sized plant.
I hit it with a little bit of tea today.  Maybe I'll post an update in a few weeks.

Jeff H said:
Looking fantastic. If mine get 1/2 that big, I have issues since I don't have that much room.
Note to self: use only 1/2 as much compost tea as cayennemist.
Not going to be hard, I go a little overboard... :D
Like twice a week now that it is warming up.
That there is a thing of beauty! I think you need to post pics of that plant full of pods, then pluck those pods, dehydrate them and send them out to all of us... okay, maybe just post the pics then. Great plant!
dash 2 said:
     Wow. What a plant! DEFINITELY post pics when it's all podded up. (If you don't, you will have one hell of an angry mob on your hands…   :D )
Delta said:
That there is a thing of beauty! I think you need to post pics of that plant full of pods, then pluck those pods, dehydrate them and send them out to all of us... okay, maybe just post the pics then. Great plant!
mlh5953 said:
I'm very jealous of you guys that are blessed with such long growing seasons!
Please post some more photos when it has pods.
Oh it will be very soon :dance:



As you can see we have a snail problem, but I have fond a way to deal with them. Copper Wire!