Baker's Peppers Processing Facility Build

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     All winter long I have been going back and forth with myself on a very important business decision. I
have decided that just specializing in "Fresh Peppers" alone was going to have to be a thing of the past.
I was having to tell too many potential customers to go elsewhere for "Dried Peppers/Powder". This
made me need to address a few areas in order to now be able to meet those needs of customers. First, I
needed to grow more plants in order to produce the peppers to process, so I did :) This year I more than
DOUBLED the amount of plants I was growing compared to last year! Second, I needed a "place" to
process these peppers. I was faced with 2 options here, either go off-site and rent kitchen space once a
week to process peppers OR..... just BUILD MY OWN place to process peppers On-Site! Well the
answer to that question came to me some time around the first of the year.... I decided that building my
own place was going to be the way to go, but there would still be some challenges to face. One of those
challenges would be that the "building" would have to be able to moved at a later date once we move
south to the new farm location in Port Charlotte in 2017. Another challenge would be having this
"building" be big enough to also have an office space on site as well. Up until this point all processing &
office work for the business has been done at my home. This has been sufficient in the past, but with the
growth of the business in mind I had to move BOTH of these to be on site at the nursery in order to do
things properly! The Health Department will also be involved to certify/inspect the processing facility, as
it now meets ALL standards required by law!
So in closing, I think I made the right choice here. Only time will tell :) The decision to do this was also
to give ALL my customers a little piece of mind when ordering "processed products" from us here at
Baker's Peppers! Now being able to see "WHERE" their finished & ready for consumption pepper
products are coming from! Pics below....!
P.S.- Me and my best friend (mostly my best friend, I was the "hand me this tool" guy most of the time) did ALL the work on this Building....neither of us are trained 
"construction/building/electrical" experts by ANY stretch of the imagination. We did the best we could
with the knowledge we had. So if YOU are a professional in these areas and see something we may have
done wrong, before you post here calling me out on something you see, please understand we are NOT
professionals in these areas and we did the best we could with the skills/knowledge we had...LOL :)
Ok.....I think that about covers it.....
Presenting the NEW processing facility for Baker's Peppers LLC! Its a 12' X 36' PreFab ColCraft Building....
Enjoy!!  :)
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr,
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter

More Pics coming tomorrow after work ...Pics posted backwards in order (couldnt figure out why)...start at the bottom and scroll up :)


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Update.....Plus a few comments for a "select" member here....
Thanks for all the"positive" feedback first of all, thats greatly appreciated! But unfortunately, theres ALWAYS going to be HATERS!
Another member in my "vendor vault" thread accused me of a lie! He posted that while i was claiming i was in poor health recently i was also working on this project.....making me a liar if it was here to explain how its NOT true!
Like I said in my ORIGINAL post in this thread, this started like literally the 1st of January (Hence the WINTER clothes being worn in the friggin pics!!!!). The build continued until about mid Feb. (In fact its still not 100% finished, only about 90% done). My health issues started about last week of Feb or first week of March and put the build on hold! If the build was going on thru all my health issues like this guy claims then ANYONE whoes ever lived in Florida could tell you the ONLY months in a year we break out "winter gear" is in Jan/Feb!!! The pics DONT LIE my man!!! Not friggin March/April/May!! Do some homework before you randomly post accusations again "Colorado Pepper Head" (wont even grace him with his real screen name!!) BTW "Colorado Pepper Head".........hows that grow coming along? You know, the one thats going strictly for the sole purpose to put me out of business?!?! :rofl:  :rofl: Havent seen an update in a long while bossman.....perhaps we have another "Moruga Project" on our hands guys??? LMAO!! Friggin FUNNY!! Anyway.....moving on....
Pics of the build are below (Hopefully in correct order this time), like i said above, its not 100% done yet, im just getting back to work since my surgeries and health issues are over for now....Will keep it updated as it gets finished....Look for the wall color change as i didnt document it very well to the finished "Sand Beach Resort Sand" color ...The "office" space is the part thats still not finished yet....the processing area is complete (with 3 of the pictured dehydrators ready to go!) They can do about 15-20 lbs of "Fresh Peppers" each, dehydrated to totally dried peppers overnight!! Should be able to handle about a total of 250-300 lbs of Fresh Peppers every week!! Who needs dried peppers or powders??? We should have PLENTY available this year!! LOL :)
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr.
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter



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You might find out like I have that slicing pods in half does not allow all shelves to be used. In many cases I can only use every other shelf when dehydrating since most pods are so large. 
I don't need to update my Glog......12,500 pepper plants on 230 acres and FREE  seeds, pods and powders for anybody who purchases from anyone but Bakers (take your money and give bad service),  will be enough of an update. After all I am just a Hobby grower......I am not a wanna be big business man who never repays my loans so what do I know.....
Dale, there were 3-4 posts that were bashing/off topic in here and I cleaned it up and gave warnings. I was trying to keep it drama free and just about your post, since you posted this as Promotion. But now you've opened the floodgates with your post. Good luck.
Like people have told you in the past. STOP ADDRESSING THE HATERS!
I don't think you will ever learn. You know a lot of people hate Paypal but you don't see the CEO running around on forums answering the haters. And guess what. A lot of those haters USE IT. Don't get sucked in, you just make your company look even worse. Silence the haters with your actions not your words! Instead of replying to one hater you could be sending out one package. Think about that.
The Hot Pepper said:
Dale, there were 3-4 posts that were bashing/off topic in here and I cleaned it up and gave warnings. I was trying to keep it drama free and just about your post, since you posted this as Promotion. But now you've opened the floodgates with your post. Good luck.
Like people have told you in the past. STOP ADDRESSING THE HATERS!
I don't think you will ever learn. You know a lot of people hate Paypal but you don't see the CEO running around on forums answering the haters. And guess what. A lot of those haters USE IT. Don't get sucked in, you just make your company look even worse. Silence the haters with your actions not your words! Instead of replying to one hater you could be sending out one package. Think about that.
I have a right to correct someone about lies they are posting in my vendor vault thread..if I don't correct them it's as if I'm validating that its true.....YOU of all people should know that boss!! Tighten up!!

As far as not addressing the HATERS goes...done deal...unless one of them posts wrong information about me or my products.....I will ALWAYS correct someone trying to make me or my business look bad with LIES!!!

Can't a guy just post pics of an update about his business on here without the TROLLS coming out of the woodwork every time?????????

Dale Jr
Btw...the bashing was in my vendor vault thread too..not just here boss!!! Maybe u should clean up all of it that way I can't react to it!! Just sayin :)
(Removed post... you get the point. You cross-posted the issue to here, allowing people to do the same. Try to keep your issues out of your clean topics.)
BakersPeppers said:
Btw...the bashing was in my vendor vault thread too..not just here boss!!! Maybe u should clean up all of it that way I can't react to it!! Just sayin :)
Oh sure, it's easy to blame the forum for all this. All the haters must be wrong, and you are running a top notch business. The mods just aren't doing their job here by deleting your history. That's it.
The first post makes it FUNNY how it's all like "this is how it is now and that's what it was like before" all backwards and stuff
Uh that's a dehydrator. Let's keep this on track please.
Dale, I'm going to remove some of my posts since you read them. Trying to keep this about your production facility and that's it.
Nice work man...
I think what THP meant was your the bigger "man" or you should be sometimes not saying anything says alot more then feeling like?oh dang I need to defend myself? bro if it aint true?screw it dont sweat the small stuff, especially if its those that you've offended in the past they may never get over it just continue to better yourself...bottom line
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