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Yellow Moruga Papaya Apricot sauce

Ok so I was busy experimenting this weekend with another new sauce, this one could use some work but it turned out quite tasty and definitely hot.
Yellow Morugas
Red Papaya
Tamarind nectar
Lime juice (not from concentrate)
Sea salt

chop the fruits and process to a puree, or close to a puree, start a large pot of water to the side for sterilizing canning jars
(Tip: adding some lime juice to the processor makes it chop much easier)


Repeat with all ingredients and set aside in a bowl while heating up Lime juice, Tamarind nectar, and sea salt concoction
once the liquid concoction is boiling, add the pepper, papaya, apricot puree.  This is a good time to add your canning jars to the boiling water in your side pot for sterilization.  Cook on medium-low heat for 20 minutes, stir often, open windows ;)

Smoke a cigarette, etc.  Take a picture of the grape vines etc. (I live in grape country in Virginia :P)

My cut is on the left, the woozie bottle is for samples at work and the six jars are for selling to the guys at work.  I'll be out of stock within a few minutes when I get to work tomorrow.

In retrospect, I might not use papaya again, the flavor is overpowered by the apricot and tamarind and that papaya wasn't cheap...for this sauce I'd probably go with a cheaper fruit like pears.  As far as the heat in my sauces go, this one's a solid 8/10 and it's a creeper.  Amazing fruit flavor and the Moruga aftertaste definitely stands out.
rghm1u20 said:
Yummy! If is not already patented, maybe will copy this! :-)
haha, I reposted it to share.  Like I said, I'm not sure papaya is the best choice, it seems the flavor is overpowered easily.  I do have a few recipes that I'm keeping hidden just in case ;)
I have a papaya tree in my back yard and Yep, just about any other flavor is going to overpower it. It is good to include though as it a extremely healthful. Lots of vitamins and minerals and it is the source for Papain enzyme which helps in the breaking down of tough protein fibers. Well and yes, it is a bit expensive if you have to buy it anywhere but in Florida :) It should also have given your sauce a nice consistency. Next time see if you can find some Green Papaya and try that.
rghm1u20 said:
As I can see, you didn't used the papaya seeds too, right?
I would recommend you a try with a fruit called durian, instead of papaya, if you have where to find one  ;)
Nope, didn't use the seeds, I've never heard of durian, I'll have to look it up
swellcat said:
Seems a very nice combination of ingredients.  I'd expect good acidity and tartness and fine pairing with chicken and fish.  Right ballpark?
Yeah it's intended for use with chicken/fish but one guy at work that keeps buying my fruit sauces is using it on pork butts for a slow roast. Honestly I just eat it like salsa with corn chips lol
RocketMan said:
I have a papaya tree in my back yard and Yep, just about any other flavor is going to overpower it. It is good to include though as it a extremely healthful. Lots of vitamins and minerals and it is the source for Papain enzyme which helps in the breaking down of tough protein fibers. Well and yes, it is a bit expensive if you have to buy it anywhere but in Florida :) It should also have given your sauce a nice consistency. Next time see if you can find some Green Papaya and try that.
I figure if I'm going to use a fruit that gets overpowered may as well use pears, they're used in everything commercial anyways and they're pretty cheap.  Does green papaya mean it's not ripe or is it just a different type?  I wasn't sure so I got the red one, I think that one cost like $4.49 or so, I can get two bags of pears for that, or pluck ripe pears from my own tree if it was later on in the season.