PexPeppers sent me a couple treats along with the quart of Bee Bomb that I won in an auction last week. I figured I would share the wealth (and pain) with my pepper partner in crime Pat aka HopDevil666. BTW, Welcome him to THP! We sliced up the Reaper-Brain cross and ate it. Lots of tongue burn with this one. Weird, under the sides tongue burn. Searing hot, and that was just from a couple little slices. We then consumed a few craft beers while after my urging, HopDevil ate a couple BLT's to get something in his stomach before we went after the Chocolate Brain Strain. We each popped half in our mouth and waited. It didn't take long. I was surprised at how fast the heat came. When it came, it came hard too! I was immediately hit with hiccups. I NEVER get hiccups. I ate a couple chips and that stopped thank goodness. Then I noticed HopDevil was crying. I was sweating and my nose was leaking. Oh hell, now I was crying. I looked at the pained look on HopDevil's face and went outside to walk around the parking lot for a minute. Then an amazing thing happened. It started to subside. Much quicker than I expected. I would say it was no more than ten minutes and I was fine. Maybe a little lingering mouth heat, but nothing more. No cramps, not even really any bathroom pain. Both of the peppers had great fresh flavor. I think the Reaper-Brain was hotter. I was very pleased with both of them. Thanks Pex. The pics are of the effects at five minutes.