food hot sauce question

So I found a bottle of hot sauce that I've had for a while and the expiration date is October 1 2014 normally I wouldnt ask if it would be OK but its got qlot in it that could go bad. It was not supposed to be refrigerated so it wasnt . the hot sauce is called kajun fire habanero sauce.
Its probably fine but Im sure has lost a lot of flavor and aroma. If in doubt toss it. Its not a hard to find or expensive sauce so just get a new one and stop slackin!
I think it came from a dollar store. Believe it or not it had a really good flavor that I liked even more than some of my more expensive sauces. The reason why I was asking was because I went out to look for it but I couldnt find it anymore in stores. I guess I could order it online.
If there is no visible mold it it most likely fine.
Wait... October 1 2014? It IS OCTOBER 2014! Man, you are a worry wart aren't you... LOL.

I figured you meant a few years past.
By the way, it's not an expiry date, it's a "best by" date. A date the company uses as to when they believe the integrity is compromised. In other words, it may taste a bit less fresh in two years. No big deal! Often, they are crap dates used to resell stock. They figure you will chuck it and buy a new one.
Well its a buck lol I just thought id ask to make sure lol its not like its one of my 20 dollar bottles but thank you for the information its nice to know it'll last that long lol
Dairy has an expiry date which should be recognized (except not by my brother..).  Hot sauce expiry date...not so much.  Usually a "Best By".. date.  But use common sense.  I've had some fruit sauces go skunk after a (few years)... :lol:  Some sauce companies put expiry dates 2 years out from date of packing regardless of whether the sauce has degraded or not.  . 
Prescription drugs have an expiry date.  Something about that after (X amount of time) the efficacy of the medicine degrades to (93% ???) instead of the minimum (95%?)...  The medicine is totally still usable and for 99.999% of all patients taking the drug, it will perform as directed.  BUT....for that .00001%...  if it's not 95% then it don't work, so the drugs have the expiry date.  Makes no sense, because it seems like a lot of drugs get wasted.  I have had Silvadene that was 10 years old.  It may have only been 92% effective but that's enough for me when treating a burn. 
We are forced to put a "best by" date on our products, even though it has nothing to do with when the product will go bad. I think it's total bullsh*t to have to put a date on something that doesn't mean anything, and is just a way for stores to return stuff if it hasn't sold, even though there is nothing wrong with the product.