• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sporeheads 2015 what have I done? GLOG +++updated!+++

Hey gang. This is my first year trying to grow hot peppers. All of these came from members here at THP. They may not all be true varieties due to the possible lack of isolation but that's ok. Thanks to you all! I'm not entirely sure what I will do with all of these yet. I'm making a spreadsheet with all the heat, flavor and potential uses for everything I am growing. Sauce, salsa, ferments for more salsa, dry powder, chili, pickles, smoked pods, pickles,  and mustard are what I've come up with so far. I suspect I will have way more than I need so stay tuned as I will likely be offering fresh pods at the end of the season. I intend to save true seed for myself and for you all via the bagging isolation method. I might try a few isolated crosses as well as some random mother nature crosses. I have a ton of research to do now... Should be fun!
Before I get started, this is not a complete list. I am hoping to get some jalapenos, maybe some fresno and piri piri and a chocolate hab. I'll add those to the log once I sow them. Too many peppers! Here is the complete list so far:
Sown 1/31/15
7 Pot brain strain red
7 pot yellow
Bahamian goat
Bhut jolokia chococlate
Birds eye
Bonda Ma Jacques
Carolina Reaper
C. Frutescens (labeled c. Frutiscium)
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Congo Trinidad Giant Yellow
Habanero Anitllais Caribbean 
Moruga red
Moruga Yellow
Red bubblegum 
Sown 2/7/15
Yellow Fatalii
[image]http://www.shroomery.org/forums/thumbs/15-007/354307420-thumb_20150209_201236.jpg[/image] [image]http://www.shroomery.org/forums/thumbs/15-007/354307473-thumb_20150209_201215.jpg[/image]
The open slots are non peppers. Epehdra, passion flower and blue morning glory. The hard to see label is a carolina reaper. So far good germination rates! I'd love to have 6 of everything so I'll be sowing more again soon if and when they don't all germinate. I'm hoping to keep 3 plants of each for myself and gift the other three.
I'm open to suggestions as to what to do with all these come harvest time such as recipes etc. Also any info on these varieties would be helpful and save me some time. Thanks and stay tuned!
I think you will be fine.  Good luck with your season.  If you can get some chocolate hab, do so.  Thats still one of my all time favorites.  My whole overdone season last year started out with my desire to get chocolate habs again. I set out in January with the desire to start 6 choc habs and 65 varieties later by the end of February, my OCD won the battle.  And the worst part was my choc hab seed source was no good and both plants were not choc habs.  Did have some chocolate scotch bonnets though which were similar, maybe slightly milder but very good.
Just added jalapeno and aji Colorado to the collection. Final variety is chocolate habanero which I'm still looking for. Have lots to trade :)
Nice list.
Btw, to post pics, you use the tags...
What is in that jungle to the right (EDIT: at the top i guess...)?
Thanks coachspecnerxc! I can't wait!
I saw the IMG add but it wasn't allowing me to paste the image right in. Not sure why. Maybe because I'm not a paid member? The links were supposed to fill that in but maybe I forgot the  example picture  [img]
The jungle is some random spicy seed starts for salads or something. They haven't done a whole lot. The seed pack made them seem like they'd mature in the flat but I keep grazing them anyway. I have a lot more plants in that room than you can see. Maybe I'll post them if anyone is interested.
I'm working on a large spreadsheet for all these peppers. I'm trying to get all this information in one place for myself and a former instructor who I will pass some seeds along to. Halfway done!
sporehead said:
I have a lot more plants in that room than you can see.
Oh? some nons?
Not sure why the image button didnt work for you...dont have to be a paid member, I suggest uploading your images to imgur...
The majority of other plants are just some nice indoor plants. I do have a happy turmeric, a slow ginger and some garlic though. I'll try to upload the whole collection to imgur tomorrow.
The seed frenzy continues! I bought a fresno from whole foods earlier. Seeds are drying now. Is there a minimum time to wait before planting or do they just need to dry? Or are they good to go out of the pod?
Fresnos are in flats now. A lot of these guys are getting big! Most have germinated now. Those that haven't I planted more of. More seeds on the way. Maybe I'll plant some shorter duration ones.
Everything has been sown! Most of them are ready for transplant which i will do today. One question on the soil mix though. What should it consist of? I read the mix thread but am a bit overwhelmed with all of them. I have potting soil, perlite, The mix i started seedlings in (peat and some other fluff non organic matter), bone meal, and worm casings.
Looking good! I have at least 3 of everything in 4", which is just what I wanted. Some of them are pretty slow and I've had to re-sow a few. The birds eye chili is very slow. I just transplanted one tonight while the others are still buffing up cotyledons. I wish I would have dated them all at time of transplant but I didn't. The closest I can get is the dates when they were potted up but I dont know which ones were which. If I 'm feeling motivated I'll go over them all and sort them by size.
The other pictures are a mixture of things. I have various seeds starting (ephedra, star jasmine, black ayahuasca, Hawaiian baby woodrose and the like). A san pedro (more cuttings are scabbing over in the closet). My morning glory's are happy, so are the passionflowers. The ginger and turmeric are off to a great start. I just potted some horseradish and am kicking myself for not buying a wasabi. Unfortunately, my coleus are rather slow. There are a bunch of brugmansias, a lemon tree, and some other plants I don't know the names of. We are going to seed some other veggies and cacti seeds soon. First, I need more light and I don't have the fixtures just yet. We are going to keep looking on craigslist and the re-store but we'll probably have to buy some from a big box store soon. 
The bugs! I'm also micro farming..... for a food source. Say what you will, they are delicious and nutritious. Right now the colonies are small. I have mealworms in their second generation (beetles are their adult stage and still laying). There are dubia cockroaches too. One male just reached adulthood. I hope they all do soon, I need some babies. There are a small number of superworm beetles, I lost a lot. They are just beginning to lay. I will buy some more of all of these soon as what little I have is barely enough to be sustainable. One needs a lot of bugs for a consistent diet addition. At some point I will be adding some other species too. Scorpions and tomato hornworms for sure. Just not ready yet. 







Mmmm i love brugs! The plant you asked about is a coleus. Not sure what variety though. The seeds they set are all different. I'm looking forward to growing the seeds it produces.
Thanks! Ya It's a cactus. San Pedro. It rooted quickly and has been growing like mad. It's getting etiolated unfortunately. Hopefully it'll cut that out now that it's directly under the lights. The square gallon pot is pereskiopsis, a fast growing little cactus. Last time I grew them, I started with 4 6" unrooted cuttings. It only took two months to have 50 or so. They are great grafting stock.