Please help if you can

I have 60 plants  all peppers in 6 rows of 10.  Last saturday I noticed a previously healthy plant just started wilting.  I know it is not due to lack of water as we had just gotten 2 inches of rain and the neighboring plants showed no signs of this.  I dug this plant up and repotted it, and it has not recovered as of yet.  A few days later I noticed another plant with the same issues, but it was 2 rows over and about 5 plants down.  I dug that one up and discarded.  Today I noticed a third plant with the same issues.  I dug it up and took some pics of the roots.  I am assuming something is going after the roots, but I have not been able to notice anything.  Here are a series of pictures that I will label….any help would be greatly appreciated.  At this pace I might finish the season with a few plants left.  
This was first plant I noticed last saturday

Here are the 2 neighboring plants
Image 1.jpg

Image 2.jpg

And here it is almost a week later, repotted in fresh soil.
Image 7.jpg

The second plant I pulled I did not take any pictures, but here is what I found today.
Image 3.jpg

loaded with pods and previously healthy as can be  
Image 8.jpg

neighboring plant
Image 4.jpg

Image 6.jpg

Could this be nematodes?  Am I f'd?  Any other possibilities?


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JoynersHotPeppers said:
// longshot bacterial wilt?
^^^ It very well may be that and it is deadly...I had it in my soil a few years back and it got 5 plants close to each other and it was a very rainy year so that did not help
Well, as you know, it has been wet. Any remedy or just let it go and hope for the best?
SmokenFire said:
Damn hope its not that.  What plants have you pulled to date?  If I have any of the same type going I'll split my harvest with you.
Thank you, but I should still be fine with all of my plants that are in root pouches. I was on my way to having way too many peppers than I could use.

D3monic said:
Capcom had something similar and he found some kind of stem boring caterpillar in his

I cut one of the stems, found nothing.
tctenten said:
That does not sound good. Guess I will call Rutgers tomorrow and see if I can send a sample to get it tested. Luckily the 45 plants I have on the other side of the house in root pouches haven't been affected yet. 4 of my 5 MW's are in there...all loaded with pods.
Well hopefully they do not get impacted! Best of luck and I hope it is not BW
So here is an update.
Wife was nice enough to take 2 latest samples(up to 5 in total now) to our counties local master gardener cooperative.   They called me at work and asked a few questions and looked at the plants under a microscope and they could not diagnose anything.  Sooo, they suggested I mail the plants to the lab at Rutgers University for testing.  Plants should be there by tomorrow, and hopefully they will email or call me with results and not rely on snail mail.   Looks like 2 more additional plants are showing symptoms.   I have always been in favor of in-ground gardening vs container gardening…..but this is quickly changing my mind.  As a side note, the 45 plants I have in root pouches are flourishing and showing no signs of whatever is getting my in-ground plants.
updates to follow as I get them.  
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I blame all the rain we have had....makes for terrible crap for peppers and tomatoes. I am fighting early blight constantly now on my tomatoes due to all the rain. :(
I just hope I get an answer, that way I can try and save the rest or prepare for next year if it will be a total loss.   