contest Throwdown Throne

The Hot Pepper

The Throwdown Throne is the list of recipients of the Throwdown Crown; winners of a THP Throwdown!
The Dual Burger Duel - (6/2017)
Overall - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Beef - D3monic
Beef Blend - grantmichaels
Beef and Cheese - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Turkey - bpiela
Veggie - Ozzy2001
Fish - The Hot Pepper
Tuna - HopsNBarley
Crab - tctenten
Gator - Student of Spice

Stop SmokenFire! - (5/2017) - Ozzy2001
The Most Eggcellent Throwdown - (4/2017) - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Spicy Rice Challenge - (3/2017) - SmokenFire
Super Bowl Throwdown - (2/2017) - SmokenFire
Savory Chocolate Throwdown - (1/2017) - SmokenFire
Cheese Throwdown (12/2016)

Breakfast - Scoville DeVille
Sandwich - hot stuff
Meal - Ozzy2001
Dessert - tctenten
Overall - Ozzy2001
Chinese Throwdown - (11/2016)
D3monic - General Tso's Chicken
SmokenFire - Sweet & Sour (&Spicy) Pork
grantmichaels - Spicy Mongolian Beef
tctenten - Spicy Shrimp Lo Mein
BigB - One Soup, One Egg/Spring Roll, One Fried Rice
Thegreenchilemonster - Anything Goes
BigB - Overall
Soup n Sammie Throwdown - (10/2016) - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Pizza Throwdown - (9/2016)
Neapoliatan - tctenten
Anything Goes - grantmichaels
Breakfast - tctenten
Dessert - Student of Spice
Mexican Throwdown - (8/2016) - SmokenFire
July 4th-ings Throwdown - (7/2016)
Shorerider - Best 4th-ings on a plate
Shorerider - Best Food Photography
Burger Showdown Throwdown - (6/2016)
tctenten - Beef
Student of Spice - Non-Beef
Scoville DeVille - Non-Traditional Bun
grantmichaels - Stuffed
D3monic - Extreme
SmokenFire - Anything Goes

D3monic - Overall

Throwdown Throne - P. Dreadie's Memorial Caribbean Throwdown - (5/2016)
salsalady - Entree
D3monic - Dessert
Throwdown Throne - Old Salty's Chopped Throwdown - (4/2016)
SmokenFire - Entree
salsalady - Dessert
Throwdown Crown - Noodle Throwdown - (3/2016) - oldsalty
Throwdown Crown - Bread Bowl Throwdown - (2/2016) - Hybrid Mode 01
Throwdown Crown - Hangover Cures Throwdown - (1/2016) - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Throwdown Crown - 2-Course Curry Throwdown - (12/2015) - Ozzy2001
Throwdown Crown - Pizza Pizza Pizza Throwdown - (11/2015)
tctenten - Breakfast
FreeportBum - Dinner
Ozzy2001 -Dessert
Throwdown Crown - Oktoberfest - Cooking With Beer! - (10/2015)
tctenten- Meal
Ozzy2001 - Dessert
Throwdown Crown - Grillin' & Chillin' Throwdown - (9/2015) - SmokenFire
Throwdown Crown - Sausage Throwdown - (8/2015)
Deathtosnails - Sausage
keybrdkid - Sausage Meal
Throwdown Crown - Mexi-Que Throwdown - (7/2015) - JoynersHotPeppers
Throwdown Crown - Burger Royale - (6/2015)
Booma (Beef)
muskymojo (Blend/Alternative)
muskymojo (Stuffed)
grantmichaels (Slider)
Booma (Best Burger Overall)
Throwdown Crown - Dim Sum Throwdown - (5/2015) - SmokenFire
Throwdown Crown - Tacos Throwdown - (4/2015) - D3monic
Throwdown Crown - Show Your Heritage Throwdown - (3/2015)
JoynersHotPeppers (Meal)
keybrdkid (Dessert)
Throwdown Crown - Chili and Cornbread Throwdown - (2/2015) - Husker21
Throwdown Crown - New Year New Food Throwdown - (1/2015) - zdecker
Throwdown Crown - Pizza Party Throwdown - (12/2014) - PIC 1 (Overall)
PIC 1 (Classic/Rustic)
PIC 1 (Lovers)
PIC 1 (Deep Dish)
FreeportBurn (Unique)
JayT (Dessert)
Throwdown Crown - Seafood Soup and Sandwich Throwdown - (11/2014) - JoynersHotPeppers
Throwdown Crown - Oktoberfest: BYOB Throwdown - (10/2014) - lucilanga
Throwdown Crown - salsalady's Stuffed Pepper Throwdown - (9/2014) - Essegi (Entree)
Throwdown Crown - salsalady's Stuffed Pepper Throwdown - (9/2014) - frydad4 (Dessert)
Throwdown Crown - Grillin' & Chillin' - (8/2014) - salsalady
Throwdown Crown - Where There's Smoke, There's Tapas... Throwdown - (7/2014) - JoynersHotPeppers
Throwdown Crown - Patty Wars - (6/2014) BEST OVERALL BURGER
beerbreath81 - Big Mac for Chiliheads
beerbreath81 - WINNER (Beef)
SumOfMyBits - WINNER (Combination)
Deathtosnails - WINNER (Alternative)
Throwdown Crown - Cinco de Mole - (5/2014) - Scoville DeVille
Throwdown Crown - Flatbread Throwdown - (4/2014) - keybrdkid
Throwdown Crown - Bayou Battle II - Roux'd Boy - (3/2014) - Phil
Throwdown Crown - Super Bowl Throwdown III - (2/2014) - HopsNBarley
Throwdown Crown - The Meltdown - (1/2014) - Husker21
Throwdown Crown - One Pot Meal - (12/2013) - Deathtosnails
Throwdown Crown - Pizza - (11/2013) - Essegi
Throwdown Crown - My Oktoberfest - (10/2013) - FreeportBurn
Throwdown Crown - Seafood Sandwich - (9/2013) - JayT
Throwdown Crown - Specialty Hot Sauce Throwdown - (8/2013) - Scoville DeVille
Throwdown Crown - Specialty Hot Sauce Throwdown (Dessert) - (8/2013) - RocketMan
Throwdown Crown - Extreme Burger Throwdown - (7/2013) - Scoville DeVille
Throwdown Crown - BBQ Triple Play Throwdown - (6/2013) - frydad4
Throwdown Crown - Combo de Mayo Throwdown - (5/2013) - JayT

Throwdown Crown - Can You Win A—Throwdown? - (4/2013) - frydad4

Throwdown Crown - Curry Throwdown - (3/2012) - PIC 1

Throwdown Crown - Super Bowl Touchdown Throwdown - (2/2012) - stc3248

Throwdown Crown - Chopped Throwdown - (1/2013) - frydad4

Throwdown Crown - Brekkie Sammie Throwdown - (12/2012) - RocketMan

Throwdown Crown - Cheese Throwdown - (11/2012) - Scoville DeVille

Throwdown Crown - Octoberfused Throwdown - (10/2012) - Scorpress77

Throwdown Crown - Pizza Rustica Throwdown - (9/2012) - habaneroheat81

Throwdown Crown - Ethnic/Regional Sandwich Throwdown II - (8/2012) - Deathtosnails

Throwdown Crown - Chopped Throwdown - (7/2012) - LunchBox

Throwdown Crown - Best Burger (Overall) - (6/2012) - wrightdaddy
Throwdown Crown - Alternative Burger Throwdown - (6/2012) - 3/5King
Throwdown Crown - Veggie Burger Throwdown - (6/2012) - SumOfMyBits
Throwdown Crown - Beef Burger Throwdown - (6/2012) - wrightdaddy

Throwdown Crown - Tortilla Throwdown - (5/2012) - SumOfMyBits

Throwdown Crown - Ramen Throwdown - (4/2012) - SumOfMyBits

Throwdown Crown - African Throwdown - (3/2012) - SumOfMyBits

Throwdown Crown - C.I.T.D. (Cast Iron) - (2/2012) - PIC1

Throwdown Crown - Pizza Throwdown - (1/2012) - Scoville DeVille

Throwdown Crown - Duo December - (12/2011) - geeme

Throwdown Crown - The Best Meal I Ever Ate - (11/2011) - JayT

Throwdown Crown - Oktoberfest III - (10/2011) - Chile Juju

Throwdown Crown - Mexican Throwdown - (9/2011) - SumOfMyBits

Throwdown Crown - Five Dollar Feast - (8/2011) - salsalady

Throwdown Crown - TOAST Throwdown - (7/2011) - rooze

Throwdown Crown - BATTLE ROYALE - (6/2011) - One month of challenges
German dish w/German beer as an ingredient - frydad4
Stuffed Peppers - AlabamaJack
Pizza - megamoo
Pie - sweet or savory - JoeyK
Burger - texas blues
Food-on-a-stick - The Hot Pepper
Duth Oven cooking - 5oclocksomewhere
Non-beef burger - WickedMojo
Mango-ingredient dish - salsalaldy
Hot dog - POTAWIE
Waffle - SalsaKid
Seafood - paulky2000
Cajun or Creole Dish - salsalady
Smoked meat - muskymojo
Asian-inspired dish - paulky2000
Comfort food w/2 sides - zdecker

Throwdown Crown - Asian Throwdown - (5/2011) - paulky_2000

Throwdown Crown - Hometown Hot Dog Throwdown - (4/2011) - POTAWIE

Throwdown Crown - SumOfMy Dutch Oven Cooking Throwdown - (3/2011) - SumOfMyBits

Throwdown Crown - Super "Bowl" Throwdown - (2/2011) - buddy

Throwdown Crown - Chopped Throwdown - (1/2011) - buddy

Throwdown Crown - Bayou Battle - (12/2010) - salsalady

Throwdown Crown - frydad4's Wild Waffle Throwdown  -(11/2010) - paulky_2000

Throwdown Crown - Second Annual Oktoberfest Throwdown - (10/2010) - frydad4

Throwdown Crown - Where's The Beef? Throwdown - (9/2010) - WickedMojo

Throwdown Crown - Seafood Throwdown - (8/2010) - paulky_2000

Throwdown Crown - Grillin' & Chillin' Independence Weekend Throwdown - (7/2010) - texas blues

Throwdown Crown - Pie - (6/2010) - Pepper Ridge Farm

Throwdown Crown - Secret Ingredient Throwdown - Mango (5/2010) - salsalady

Throwdown Crown - Easter Weekend Pasta Throwdown (4/2010) - texas blues

Throwdown Crown - Regional/Ethnic Sandwich Throwdown - (3/2010) - Deathtosnails

Throwdown Crown - Super Bowl MVP Throwdown - (2/2010) - Pepperfreak

Throwdown Crown - Steak Throwdown - (1/2010) - Deathtosnails

Throwdown Crown - Holy Smoke December Throwdown - (12/2009) - POTAWIE

Throwdown Crown - Comfort Food w/2 Sides Throwdown - (11/2009) - JayT

Throwdown Crown - Stuff It! Oktoberfest Throwdown - (10/2009) - moyboy

Throwdown Crown - Stick It! Throwdown - (9/2009) -

Throwdown Crown - Mac N Cheese Throwdown - (8/2009) - QuadShotz

Throwdown Crown - Jerk Throwdown - (7/2009) - frydad4

Throwdown Crown - Burger Throwdown - (6/2009) - texas blues

Throwdown Crown - Pizza Throwdown - (5/2009) - JayT

Throwdown Crown - Popper Throwdown - (4/2009) - AlabamaJack
I bow down to the AWESOME GREATNESS of THP, AJ and JayT!! You guys rock like a hurricane! And for everyone else on these throwdowns, I give ya'll my Hot, Blue and Righteous rating! Tip Top Ya'll!!

Cheers, TB.
I sooooo want one of those crowns, they are funky.

It will be mine, muhahahahaha :hell:

Mucho congratulas compartres (weak attempt at Mexican/Spanish)
Thank you all for the support you have given me in my time of wait...wrong speach..

Thanks all...I feel honored to be in such creative company...
What the.. There's a crown now? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP! That's it, gloves are comin OFF!

Congratulations on your achievements gentlemen. You've all earned your place at the top. When you pass to the next world, your souls shall find their way to the valley of food Porn overlords where the liquor store is always open, and smoker never needs refilling. I too aspire to such greatness, and one day shall ascendeth into gastronomical Valhala with you all, to sitteth at the right hand of the Pizza, Popper, and Burger overlords.

Throwdow, beef, popper, pizza :crosses self:


When's the next throwdown? I want me one'a those crowns!!!!!!
imaguitargod said:

Dude..yours will have to be a smaller one or it won't fit next to the jumping flame. If it gets too close it will be a jumping flaming crown.

Cheers, TB.
The next throwdown is JERK!!! Go to the throwdown social group section and put in your opinions on the rules....
congrats guys on the throwdown crown (the crowns look cool)
but have 1 question are the crowns a 1 time crown or do you get a crown each time you win a throwdown ? & if so maybe they need to be smaller like the hot sauce bottle size.
Good question CH. I thought this over myself and it will be just one. Stacking them takes a bit more programming, doesn't quite work like the bottles which are based on post count.
Yeah, I think the bigger bling is better ;)
Oh yeah and if that aint good enough for you mate i even named my new puppy after you. (well not really but he has the same name as your username :P)