Cappy's Chocolate BrAiN sTrAiN (with pics)

Wanted to use this to showcase the fine work Cappy is doing this year with CBS. Here's what I did to 21 of some of the best looking peppers around.
Washed and allowed to dry
Nibbled on this since I haven't been stabbed in the gut recently

The placentas of these are seriously like a sponge. Never seen anything like it

Seeds removed (OK, might be a couple in there). This is the Breville Sous Chef that my wife only allows peppers in since I've "ruined it". Helluva expensive gadget for pepper slicin

Only saved seeds from the best. The one's at the top will be the Select Strain. Will get the neighborhood kids to chew on the stems :onfire:

Kind of felt bad choppin these guys up

Sure doesn't look like much after blending. Would prefer the jar be half full but these will be fine

Layer of kosher salt to help the preserving process

After about 30 minutes in the pressure cooker. No idea why I licked the spoon while waiting for these to cook :mouthonfire:

Now the tough part -- I'll wait a minimum of 6 months before making a sauce and possibly around a year. This aging process will help develop a deep and flavorful sauce. Cheers to Cappy for making these peppers easily accessible!
Looks great, bet the smell was amazing. I've never had a CBS but I've been wanting to buy a box while they're posted in the classifieds. 
Awesome pictorial Genetikx- looks fantastic! Keep us updated on the progress of how this turns out! Don't want to leave us 'straining our brains' wondering how this comes along. (<--- that pun was just too easy..haha). 
And I concur with the others here, the Brainstrain is top notch (only had the reds and yellows)... Cappy's sauce is for sure right there at the tops in my list of favorites. :P  
Genetikx, mind I ask- what camera are you using? Excellent pictures/clarity. 
Student of Spice, I should know soon. Think I have three yellow brain strain plants but have never tried them before. The one in my backyard is kicking out smooth red pods smh. Hopefully the ones at the community garden grow true. I gotta get over there and see where we're at.

Alch, that was a Samsung Galaxy S5. Pictures come out great if you got steady hands. Glad you liked the pics!
Looks good and will be interesting to follow so be sure to keep us updated! :)
On a somewhat related note, how do you like that Wüsthof knife?
I'm in the market for a dedicated pepper knife and like what I see in some Wüsthof knifes.
Love my wusthofs, got a set of 23 in a nice dark oak block. Could probably shave with them. Got them at Abt here in Chicago where they regularly have a wusthof guy on site to answer questions. He had to special order most of mine from Germany cuz I wanted some weird ones. Check out their website, competitive prices and they'll always knock a few bucks off if you ask. I might add to the set but will never need new knives again.
That boxfull and jarful look tastey. I got my boxfull on Wednesday.
I decided to go ahead dry out something like 16 of them. Started halving them and I couldn't get over their smell. I swear it was intoxicating. I kept cutting, sniffing, cutting, sniffing... By the end I decided WTH!? No sense wasting all the oil left on my fingers and the knife bade. I squegeed it all onto 3 fingers and licked them clean! Lol. Great flavor. Can't wait to actually use them with something.
wusthoff classic ikons are unreal, they dont have a heel on the blade and are much more comfortable in the hand. highly recommended.
By they way that choc brain mash looks wicked. :fireball:  :fireball: