• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CSB's 2016 Grow

This will be my first full season Glog and a list of what i plan to grow this season....
Yellow Manzano
Orange Rocoto
Red Rocoto
Bahamian Goat
MOA Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Galapagos Red Hab X CGN21500
Aji Limon
Fidalga Roxa
Brazillian Starfish
Malaysian Goronong
Tobago Treasure
Large Orange Thai
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate Hab/Chocolate Habanero
Chocolate Brain Strain
7Pot White
Lucy (Naga Viper X 7Pot Red)
Butch T Scorpion Red
SB7J Red
Mystery Wine
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
thanks everyone! i plan on a square foot garden 4x4 for each strain, will be adding Mystery Wine to the list also, thanks to tctenten! Also, thanks to everyone else on THP for sharing all of these seeds.  :woohoo:
if you need any other seeds that I may have don't be afraid to ask.
tctenten said:
That is pretty cool, never tried cloning yet. If they all root, what are you going to do with 20 LOT's? You probably would have only needed 2 or 3 to be taller than mine.
not all plants get as big as yours did 1010! i plan on selling them and probably give some away. the plant i took them off is ready to take another 20 cuttings  :shh:
early season....

later in the year....

maybe i'll quit my day job!
grispa72 said:
Did you used some rooting powder or gel for the cuttings? Anyway you got excellent result!
Good luck for this season and for the aim to quit your day job!

yes; some "take root" and 45 degree cut on stem. spray water on leaves + humidity dome. & if i made same money on a pepper business as day job, i would!