• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

help a brother out

Help a brother out hey guys i run a youtube channel not long started out i only have about 30 subscribers and was looking to get my videos out there if u guys could be so kind to go like comment and subscribe to my channel i do everything from hot sauce reviews to pod reviews u can go check me out on youtube @ camz killer sauces cheers https://youtu.be/MNKm1Htb0n0
Ya know if your first post was a welcome/introduction post instead of what can you do for me most here would of warmed up to you better. Your not the first to try to take advantage of us(can't wait for spring seed train scammers). Don't hold your breath for that endorsement.