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Community Lindberg Seed Grow

Figured we have enough people growing or interested in growing these seed, it should have it's own place.
I have had mixed results with seeds from the original batch. After many failed starting attempts with those, I currently have three healthy Jobito plants.
I ordered new seeds in Feb, and as of last night I have three new Jobito sprouts, 2 Pinga de Perro and 1 Rosita Rojo.
The Varieties I have currently have seeds started for are:
Aji Jobito
Aji Pepon
Aji Llaneron
Aji Rosita Rojo
Aji Rosita Amarillo
Aji Margariteno
Aji Pinga de Perro
Aji Chirel
I am hopeful for the ones not yet sprouted as the seeds look good, just being a little slow to germ.
I will add a few Pics when I get to where I have them.


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I have 5 Aji Jobito's, will have to give at least 2 away, 5 Aji Rosita Red, and 2 Aji Margariteno's.  I would like to grow the other varieties next year.
I have two Jobito plants (had more, but they got culled)
First one, which is TINY! 

Second one, slightly better off. 

And two margariteño plants, but only got a picture of one. This one is doing really well. 

I did buy all of the Lindeberg seeds, but only decided to grow these two, just did not have more space than this. From what I hear I shouldn't hold my breath regarding the others, most people seem to be unsuccessful with the same varieties. 
Almost picked up some seeds for this year's grow but thought I should wait until next year as I already have plenty of plants to care for this season. I'll be watching this thread with particular interest :)
Maligator said:
Almost picked up some seeds for this year's grow but thought I should wait until next year as I already have plenty of plants to care for this season. I'll be watching this thread with particular interest :)
There will be lots of seeds going around next year, a lot of people are growing these. 
I was drawn to these seeds for a few reasons.
First it helps out someone that I am slowly getting to know and find him to be a very good person trying hard to care for his family under very difficult circumstances.
Second they are not peppers found here in the states to any solid amount yet.
And third, they look and sound like something I will enjoy.

I did not retry Rosita Amarillo or Pepon for this season. I accidentally cooked the small batch of seeds I started when I had a heater malfunction.
The rest managed to survive and I restarted the Llaneron and Margariteno.
I have one Margariteno and no Llaneron as of yet.I will continue trying on the Llaneron yet this year, but am happy with having gotten some of the rest.
Update on the plants.
Almost lost one of the three older Jobito plants to aphids. It is recovering, but has had a major set back in it's growth.
The other two older plants are doing well, growing slower then some of the other plants the same age, but healthy.



I have three more young Jobito, two Pinga de Perro, one Chirel, one Margariteno and 2 Roseta Rojo going. All of them look good, but the Chirel has very little root system. I am not sure why, but it appears healthy other then slow growing.


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roper2008 said:
I am getting aphids on a lot of my peppers also.   I am brushing them off outside.  All of my peppers are still in solo cups, except for this 
Aji Jobito.  I am trying one air pot this summer to see if I like them.  Here is my Aji Jobito that I am still hardening off.
I'm trying out air pots too! First time. What sizes did you go with? I got the 1litre, 3 litre and 6 litre pots I believe. They say you get bigger plants in them, so I'm curious to see what the 1 litre ones come up with. 